Debrett's releases etiquette guide for Airbnb travellers
The Airbnb phenomenon has reached fever pitch with many travellers opting out of staying in conventional hotels.
But the reality of staying in someone's home - or indeed sharing your own home with relative strangers - can be whirlwind of social expectations and potential for awkwardness.
Which is why long-standing etiquette experts, Debrett's, have formulated a guide to navigating the minefield of modern manners, whether you're hosting or staying in someone else's home.
Airbnb guests are advised to be punctual, remove muddy shoes and avoid prying into their hosts' affairs
Sixty-eight per cent of the British public think that social etiquette is on the decline according to research by Airbnb, as part of their collaboration with Debrett's.
The guide hopes to rectify this by combining guidance rooted in centuries of British etiquette, such as rules on punctuality and how to make the perfect introduction, with advice on modern predicaments like smartphones and social media at the dinner table.
Guests are advised to be punctual, remove muddy shoes before entering their accommodation, and avoid poking their noses where they're not wanted.
Lingering baths and making a mess of the bathroom are frowned upon, as is smoking real - or e-cigarettes in no-smoking zones, and the excessive use of mobile phones.
'Giving, and enjoying, hospitality is an occasion on which everyone should be on their best behaviour, and it is imperative that both hosts and guests put their gadgets away, look up and focus on the other people in the room,' it states.
'Talking while glancing at a screen looks adolescent and ill-mannered.'
Social skills experst, Debrett's, have formulated a guide to hosting or staying in someone else's home
Airbnb's research revealed that playing with a mobile phone was the most sociably unacceptable thing to do in someone else' home - according to 65 per cent of those asked. Getting drunk and announcing special dietary requirements at the last minute were also looked down upon.
Meanwhile, hosts are expected to create a welcoming environment. Rooms should contain freshly made-up beds, guest towels, storage space and some welcoming touches, for example a vase of flowers, some bedside reading or guest soap.
'It is deeply discouraging for guests to find themselves accommodated in, for example, a children's bedroom, forced to squeeze into a small divan, negotiate their way past piles of cuddly toys and gaze up at mobiles and luminous stars,' the guide says.
Stocked up loo roll and plenty of clean towels are advised if hosts want to stay in favour with their guests
And don't forget to offer guests a hot drink. Not being offered a cup of tea was found to be 'shocking' by Airbnb's research team.
When it comes to pets and children, while you might adore yours, others might find a yapping dog or yelling toddler a trifle irritating at 5am.
'Look carefully at the behaviour of your children and dogs and try objectively to understand the effect they have on other people. Then do your utmost to ensure that any negative impact is minimised,' advise Debrett's.
Joanne Milner, CEO at Debrett's, comments: 'Etiquette is as relevant now as it's ever been. Shared economy businesses like Airbnb are very clever because by and large everyone wins – guests get more authentic travel experiences while the hosts can make money and strike up new friendships. It is, however, a relatively new phenomenon, and with that comes confusion regarding manners and behaviours.
'The results of the Airbnb survey are interesting, and dovetail with our advice that manners are there to make everyone feel welcome, remove any anxiety, and minimise social difficulties or awkwardness.
'It's not difficult to be a great guest or host – you just need to make sure you're fully engaged with the other person, give them your full attention, be courteous and be respectful.'
Infographic shows common faux pas to avoid to keep both guests and hosts happy
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