Woman banned from The Lamb Inn, Chalgrove, after writing bad TripAdvisor review


A customer upset with a plate of cold beef at a country pub wrote a negative review on travel website TripAdvisor - and has now been banned.

Jane Hepburn, from Berrick Salome, near Wallingford, Oxon, posted the review after she was disappointed with the food and service at The Lamb Inn, Chalgrove.

She says that when she returned for a drink more than a month later she was asked to leave by staff who accused her of making 'snide remarks' on Facebook.

Banned: The Lamb Inn in Chalgrove asked Jane Hepburn to leave after the bad review

The mum-of-three said 'When we went there in late September, I had relatives over from Australia and we ordered our food and six of us had roast beef. It was freezing cold.

'I asked to speak to the manager and he said that was how it was cooked if we wanted rare beef.

'He was quite arrogant and he said if we wanted it warm we should have come earlier.

'Four days later I wrote review on TripAdvisor honestly about what I thought.

'When I went back there a month later, I asked to be served and the man at the bar said "I am not going to serve you, I will bar you for writing snide remarks on Facebook".'

Country pub: The venue's licence holder denied asking Mrs Hepburn to leave had anything to do with the review

Mrs Hepburn, 48, said she had been left 'humiliated' by the public embarrassment.

'It was not just that one meal, I had been a few times and on each occasion one member of our group was not particularly happy but I brushed it off.

'I have not spoken to the pub since.'

The Lamb Inn's licence holder Victoria Wood admitted Mrs Hepburn had been asked not to drink at the pub, but denied it had anything to do with the TripAdvisor review.

'It is not the case at all. She has been a customer of ours for a while and we have had multiple complaints about her from our staff.

'She was being rude to our staff and she put a really nasty review on TripAdvisor.

'It was a series of events but nothing to do with her TripAdvisor review and comments.'

The Lamb Inn later issued a statement which said: 'We have got no comment other than to say Mrs Hepburn's comments are a complete fabrication of the truth.'



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