Men want an Aston Martin and women want a Range Rover: Infographic reveals what British holidaymakers are looking for in 'perfect' car hire


When it comes to hiring a car, men want to be in the driver's seat more than women do, and they want a luxury sports car that can ferry them to their destination in style.

A survey has found that 80 per cent of men prefer to drive when they hire a car while on holiday, compared to just over a fifth of women (22 per cent).

And it may come as no surprise that their ideas of the 'perfect' car hire differ greatly.

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Holiday: Men prefer to drive, especially if it's a sport car, while women want a larger sport utility vehicle

Holiday: Men prefer to drive, especially if it's a sport car, while women want a larger sport utility vehicle


  1. Air conditioning - 39%
  2. Fuel efficiency - 23%
  3. Sat nav - 16%
  4. Convertible - 8%
  5. Four-by-four - 6%
  6. Radio/iPod connection - 6%
  7. Parking sensors - 1%
  8. Electric windows - 1%

In the survey conducted by travel search website Skyscanner, almost a fifth of men said they would prefer to drive a sporty Aston Martin or Jaguar, compared to just 12 per cent of women.

The top choice for women (40 per cent) was larger sport utility vehicles – Range Rovers or Jeeps – in contrast to just 28 per cent of men.

Luxury Range Rovers proved to be popular as they were voted the top car brand with one in four of those surveyed, while the Mini Cooper was one of the least popular with just two per cent of the vote, said Skyscanner.

The survey found out what British holidaymakers are looking for in their 'perfect' car hire.

As for the most important features, air conditioning was a clear winner with 39 per cent of the vote, although cost-savvy Brits ranked fuel efficiency highly with almost a quarter of respondents considering it their 'must have' option.

Four times as many men than women rated a convertible roof as the most important feature, while twice as many women want a coffee maker.

Sixteen per cent of respondents said a sat nav is their 'must have' option when hiring a car

Sixteen per cent of respondents said a sat nav is their 'must have' option when hiring a car

But when it comes to 'dream' features, laid-back Brits appear to want to take it easy, as 27 per cent say they want the option of a hands-free auto pilot.

Three options – in-car wifi, a seat massager and an amphibious car – were in a three-way tie with 13 per cent of the vote.

Rounding out the top five was the option of a fridge (12 per cent) to store drinks and snacks.

Even though long road trips can be stressful for couples and lead to rows, an ejector seat was the least popular option (one per cent).


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