Ghostly figure appears in THREE holiday snaps taken by couple at Cyprus castle where traitors were thrown to death


It's a common conception that ghosts show up in photographs. Still, it's unusual to capture the same apparition three times, from multiple angles, hundreds of metres away and in broad daylight.

Spooked couple Michael and Wendy Holmes believe they caught a ghostly figure in a number of shots taken while on a day trip to a historic mountaintop castle and monastery while on holiday in Cyprus.

The Holmes' were visiting the Mediterranean isle for a family wedding but it was only once they got home to England and looked at the images on screen that they noticed something was amiss.

Snap: Michael and Wendy Holmes pose for a picture in front of the mountain on which the castle is built

Snap: Michael and Wendy Holmes pose for a picture in front of the mountain on which the castle is built

Strange: White figure appears on viewing platform near castle where people were thrown to their deaths

Strange: White figure appears on viewing platform near castle where people were thrown to their deaths

A mystery white shape appears in three different photographs, all taken from separate angles, standing on a viewing platform near the eleventh century Saint Hilarion Castle far above the couple. 

It's an area from where traitors were said to be thrown to their deaths from.

Michael, 62, said he saw nothing unusual while they were there and insists he has not tampered with the images.

Zoomed in: Up close you can make out the head, arms and legs of what looks like the outline of a human

Zoomed in: Up close you can make out the head, arms and legs of what looks like the outline of a human

He said: 'When I got home to England and first looked at the photos I thought it was light reflecting on one picture.

'But then I saw the same figure on three different shots, all from different angles.

'I've never believed in ghosts before, but my wife believes in the paranomal and even she is bemused about what it could be. I now believe that it's a ghost.

Blissfully unaware: It wasn't until the couple got home and saw the images on screen that they noticed a body

Blissfully unaware: It wasn't until the couple got home and saw the images on screen that they noticed a body

Multiple angles: 'It definitely wasn't there when we took the picture' says Michael

Multiple angles: 'It definitely wasn't there when we took the picture' says Michael

'Some people have said it's Photoshopped but I don't even have Photoshop, let alone know how to use it.

'I've got the original camera card and the pictures are still on there.

'It's just bizarre - you can see arms and legs and it definitely wasn't there when we took the picture.

'They do say that the camera picks up what the eye never can.'

The mountain is 700 foot high and the castle was built during the eleventh century on top of rocky outcrops

The mountain is 700 foot high and the castle was built during the eleventh century on top of rocky outcrops

Saint Hilarion Castle: Views across Kyrenia mountain range from the historic building are spectacular 

Saint Hilarion Castle: Views across Kyrenia mountain range from the historic building are spectacular 

Michael and Wendy, 51, from Buckingham, visited the castle the day after his sister Janis' wedding last month.

He added: ''The castle used to be ruled by Prince John, and any traitors would be thrown to their deaths from that part of the mountain. If it is a ghost then I reckon is him.

The mountain is 700 metres high with beautiful views, and it looks like the figure is on the viewing platform. 

'I heard that Saint Hilarion is listed on Trip Advisor as a haunted place so it can't just be us.

'It is such a bizarre picture, and if anyone can tell me what it is, and that it isn't a ghost then please by my guest.'

Saint Hilarion's Prince John Tower, where the apparition was spotted, sits on a cliff above the lower castle where there is a stunning view of the northern coast of Cyprus. 

The Saint Hilarion Castle lies on the Kyrenia mountain range, in northern Cyprus near Kyrenia. 



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