Meet Rosalie Atkins, the 11-year-old whose mother is happy to send her on a solo trip abroad


When Anne Atkins, who lives in Bedford, wrote a feature for MailOnline Travel about encouraging her five children to travel alone from the age of just nine, she was met with a barrage of criticism.

Here, her youngest daughter, 11-year-old Rosalie, explains why she is happy her parents send her away alone and how it has shaped her as a person.

While other children may have been dragged around all summer after their parents or sitting in front of TV or computer screens during their holidays, I have just spent the most amazing week in Paris - without my family.

Recently I was invited to stay in Paris with the Scribe family, who I've known for a couple of years. Their older daughter au paired for us one summer, and their younger daughter Jeanne and I have already done holiday exchanges.

I think I'm very fortunate that my parents allow me to travel alone.

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Down in the Paris Metro: Rosalie and her family head off for some more sightseeing

Down in the Paris Metro: Rosalie and her host family head off for some more sightseeing

The experiences I've had mean I am quite confident when I have to talk to new people, which is a useful social skill.

While a lot of children can only go places with their parents, I don't have to rely on mine to do all the things I want to do. 

I get to meet new people, and I like talking to people on trains. A couple of months ago I met a woman who painted my nails for me during a train journey, and once I met a German couple coming back from Scotland on the train to London.

Recently, I was going on a holiday camp in Dorset while my parents were on holiday in Norfolk. At first my mother thought she would need to travel to London with me as I've never used the tube on my own.

Then she realised it would be much cheaper and more efficient to book a tutor through the agency Tutorfair, to meet me at Liverpool Street and take me to Waterloo.

Great view! Rosalie says she saw parts of Paris she would not have visited if she'd been with her parents

Great view! Rosalie says she saw parts of Paris she would not have visited if she'd been with her parents

This was much more interesting: in 20 minutes he taught me all about the history of London, its stations and transport through the ages.

If I didn't travel alone I wouldn't be able to go to the school I want to go to, or visit my older siblings who all live in different parts of the country.

Travel staff always look after me well, people on the train are friendly, and in the daytime there are so many other people in the carriages that I don't worry about 'stranger danger'.

The way I see it, your parents are not going to travel with you forever. You have to learn some day, and in my opinion the sooner the better.

Annoyingly, for my summer Paris trip, Eurostar told my mother I was too young. Apparently you have to be 12 to go on Eurostar unaccompanied, and I am only 11. So we decided I should fly instead.

I'd travelled with British Airways alone already aged nine, so we booked with them again. They have a chaperone service which is really useful for children flying on their own.

My mother took me to Heathrow, said goodbye and handed me over to a lady who took me to the plane, and I was delivered to Jeanne and her father the other end.

Anne Atkins: 'My children have always been young adventurers'

It was all so horribly familiar. I had made the mistake of asking for the manager, who confirmed the information on the Eurostar website: our 11-year-old would not be permitted to travel to Paris alone, however competent we deemed her to be.

'It's such a shame,' I said. 'She's been taking trains on her own for years.'

'Not safely,' the manager retorted.

'The train would be so simple and easy for her. Sadly, this means she'll have to fly.'

'No airline will take her,' came the response.

'They certainly will,' I said. 'She's already flown to France. On her own. Aged nine.'

Eurostar may insist we should mollycoddle youngsters, but British Airways takes a far more sensible approach.

When Rosie flew to Lyons, in France, aged nine, she didn't even have a mobile telephone — and we were comfortable that she only used the landline to ring home once or twice a week.

She neither knew the French exchange family she was going to stay with, nor could she speak a word of the language.

However, she was keen to go and my husband and I agreed that it would be good for her. She flew with British Airways, who have a Skyflyer Solo service for unaccompanied children, and we booked a spare seat for her harp.

But when I wrote about this subject for MailOnline, some of the readers left me in no doubt they thought I was crazy. 'What a terrible mother,' was the gist of many of the kinder comments.

'A disaster waiting to happen,' declared one man, while another urged: 'Take her kids off her. For their own safety.'

Seeing the sights: Rosalie (far right) takes in the attractions of Paris with her exchange family at Notre-Dame

Seeing the sights: Rosalie (far right) takes in the attractions of Paris with her exchange family at Notre-Dame

Triumphant: Rosalie says she fell in love with Paris during her week long tripĀ 

Triumphant: Rosalie says she fell in love with Paris during her week-long trip

Paris was amazing. On our first day we went up Montmartre where you could see all of Paris except the Eiffel Tower, which was hidden by trees. The view was a blur of light and excitement.

My second day brought a lot of walking. (And French fries.)

We went to the historical museum. There were ruined statues that used to be in Notre-Dame but in the revolution were lost and discovered years later. There was also a beautiful tapestry named 'The Lady and the Unicorn'.

My third day was amazing - except for the weather. I don't understand why England is famous for bad weather, when apparently you don't see the sun in Paris more than fifteen times a year.

We went on a boat that took us around the heart of Paris, past a little island that use to be the whole of Paris - the 'city island'. We went past many city halls while the setting sun cast beautiful streaks of orange in the overcast sky, and cast shadows across the flats in the expensive, first class district.

All lit up: 'One of the most beautiful sights'

All lit up: 'One of the most beautiful sights'

When we got back the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower greeted us, and it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.

We also went to Notre-Dame, although we didn't go inside because the queue was almost as incredible as the cathedral itself.

Some of the gargoyles on the building had evil snarls on their faces, while others looked ridiculous. They reminded me of what your parents say when you're little - that if you pull a face when the wind changes it'll stay like that for ever.


The rest of the week we visited more museums, parks, a market, the Louvre, La Place de la Concorde and L'Arc de Triomphe.

If I had visited with my parents, we would have seen only the touristy parts of Paris, but because I was staying with a French family I saw some far more unusual aspects.

Paris is split into 19 districts, and I saw six of them, and areas I doubt I would have seen without someone who lives in Paris.

Jeanne's older sister Emma studies in the Asian district, and our flat was in the Indian part, so the streets round about were full of Indian restaurants, with African shops full of beautiful coloured fabrics.

I may not have gone up the Eiffel Tower or inside Notre-Dame, but I saw sights that not many other children get to see.

And I fell completely in love with Paris, with its atmosphere and environment. To me it seemed like a proud, bold city, and it made me happy.

I was so glad that I was able to travel alone to such a beautiful city.


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