Hasta La Vista, Espana! Arnold Schwarzenegger named tourism ambassador of MADRID... because he filmed Conan the Barbarian in Spain 30 years ago


When he said he'd be back, this may not have been quite what he meant. 

Thirty years after Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in Conan the Barbarian, the aging action hero is returning to southern Spain to play a quite different role.

The Austrian-born American actor, 67, has been nominated as Madrid's first honorary ambassador of tourism.

A new role for Arnie: Mr Schwarzenegger, pictured recently at  Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany

A new role for Arnie: Mr Schwarzenegger, pictured recently at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany

Spanish officials asked the Terminator actor to join a new campaign to increase foreign tourism to the capital, after the economic downturn affected many of its attractions and institutions such as the Museo del Prado.

As part of his new role, Arnie has already scheduled to instate a star named for him on the Paseo de las Estrellas (Walk of Stars) in Almería.

Gran Via in Madrid. City officials have enlisted Mr Schwarzenegger, after the downturn affected tourism

Gran Via in Madrid. City officials have enlisted Mr Schwarzenegger, after the downturn affected tourism

The a former governor of California catapulted to fame after his turn in the 1982 Conan film, which was filmed on location around southern Spain.

The blockbuster, which earned a massive £185 million at the Box Office, also gave the local economy a boost.

It has been reported that he will be looking for locations to shoot a new Conan film, as he was spotted with movie producer Fredrik Malmberg, who worked on  the 2011 remake of the film. 

The 1982 Conan film raised Schwarzenegger to stardom and it's hoped he can now boost Madrid's profile

The city of Madrid are evidently big fans of the musclebound leading man, as every year thousands take place in a strong-man contest called the Arnold Classic Europe. He has already been nick-named the 'Embajadator,'

Spanish tourism bosses are also trying to attract more film productions to the beautiful and barren deserts where Conan the Barbarian was filmed.




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