Guests are treated like Gods at the heavenly Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Mumbai


The night of the 2008 terrorist attack on the Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai, the guests in the Zodiac Grill — the stately restaurant off the lobby — barricaded themselves in by shoving the grand piano against  the doors.

At about 5am, confident via messages on his mobile that the police would rescue them, one British guest, Nick Hayward, decided to liberate a bottle of vintage Cristal champagne from the bar. The maitre d', Prakesh, rushed across the room saying: 'No, no, you can't do that!' Mr Hayward replied that they all needed a bit of cheering up after a bumpy night. 'Yes, sir, but those are the wrong type of glasses. I shall find you champagne flutes,' said Prakesh. And he did.

Magnificent: The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel overlooking the sea and Gateway of India

Magnificent: The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel overlooking the sea and Gateway of India

Now, if that doesn't demonstrate triumph over adversity, I don't know what does. But I would expect nothing less of the Taj, central character of the BBC2 documentary Hotel India.


The Taj is not just a hotel, it is a state of grace. I have stayed there more than at any other hotel in the world; 30 years ago, I arrived for my first night in India on my honeymoon. It was the dead of night; outside, Bombay (as it was then) smelt of drains, yet inside, I was transformed from a tired, grubby traveller into a princess, garlanded with flowers.

Another time, I arrived with a fractured leg and my wheelchair was decorated with jasmine. When my dad died during one visit, it was the Taj's Bentley that gently took me to the airport — tissues discreetly provided — and a Taj butler who came with me, checked in my luggage, held my arm, fast-tracked me through immigration and stayed with me until I boarded. I remember him firmly waving away a glass of water, saying: 'No, thank you, I have brought restorative champagne medicine for madame. It is very necessary.'

The staff at the Taj treat guests like Gods
Retreat: The pool at the Taj is a world away from the bustle of Mumbai

Regal retreat: Staff at the Taj, pictured above, treat guests like royalty. The pool at the centre of the hotel

But this is not all about me. The Taj staff will do anything for their guests: extending Gregory Peck's bed, providing jazz singer Dana Gillespie's favourite chocolates, sitar lessons for George Harrison from Ravi Shankar, the use of the entire hotel for President Obama and his staff.

The hotel's mantra is that the guest is God, and that includes you, as well as Angelina Jolie. It is the People's Taj; it is for every guest that the grass is cut with nail scissors and the 1,500 staff have their hair cut, their shoes polished and don white gloves. To stay in the heritage Palace Wing is an affordable fantasy —rooms cost from around £200 a night if you get a good deal with a tour operator specialising in India such as Greaves Travel.

Vivid city: The Taj is a far cry from the bustling, poverty-ridden streets of the city where people live in close quarters

Vivid city: The Taj is a far cry from the bustling, poverty-ridden streets of the city where people live in close quarters

The enchantment is the lush, contemporary comfort combined with the respect for tradition.

Built by industrial titan Jamsetji Tata, it was not greeted with universal joy. One of his sisters told him: 'You are building an institute of science in Bangalore, a great iron and steel factory and a hydro-electric plant — now you are going to put up a boarding house!' If the Taj is a boarding house, then I'm Minnie Mouse.

I love the in-house tailors, Burlington's, who ran up my pink, silk ensemble for the Maharaja of Jodhpur's son's wedding. 'It will be a great event, we are honoured to have made something for you, we hope it is good enough.'

Serene scene overlooking the Arabian Sea
The ballroom at the Taj Palace Hotel

Sensational: The view from the Taj Palace, Mumbai over the Arabian Sea and the ballroom inside the hotel

I love Indiri, the only head housekeeper in the world who looks for dust under the basin, which the guest might spot while lying in the bath.

I love Mr Chaskar, a Charlie Chaplin-alike, who is in charge of mini-bars and has kept the yellowing newspaper advertisement he answered to apply for the job in 1972. 'All my guests are my family.'

There is a discreetly beautiful memorial commemorating all who died six years ago, including Lucy the security dog. You cannot ask much more of a hotel than a staff prepared to take a bullet for you.
Small wonder that when Nick Hayward emerged from the Zodiac Grill, he said, 'The service was immaculate.'

When I later asked Prakesh about that dreadful night and whether he was afraid, he smiled beatifically: 'Oh no, Miss Victoria, all my guests were so very nice.'

Rooms at the Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai cost from £289 per night, Return flights with BA cost from £437 ( 0844 493 07870;


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