15 insider tips on how to fly First Class without paying for it


There's nothing better than an upgrade. 

That frisson of excitement as you step onto a plane and turn left rather than right, knowing you haven't paid full whack, can be better than the holiday itself.

While it used to happen a lot more, being promoted to first or business class is still possible and nearly one in five of us has been offered an upgrade in the last two years, according to Moneysavingexpert.com.

But you can greatly improve your chances if you know a few inside tricks and quirks of the industry. Here we show you how to break free of cattle-class and soar into First.

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This could all be yours: The first class interior of Emirates A380

This could all be yours: The first class interior of Emirates A380

1.) Loyalty 

Money talks, and spending a lot of time and cash flying with one airline counts. 

Katherine Clark, regional business development director for TripAdvisor Flights says: 'Join a frequent flyer club and start earning miles. When airlines are oversold they will look to upgrade their most loyal passengers first.' 

Harriet Bevis, spokesperson for Virgin Atlantic agrees: 'If our airport staff are looking to upgrade passengers on the day of departure there is a process that they follow which generally sees passengers that are frequent flyers of the airline - or those that have paid for a fully flexible ticket - benefitting.'

Flights of fancy: there's almost too much leg room in first class

Flights of fancy: there's almost too much leg room in first class

2.) Check for breakages

It's not unusual to be upgraded if your seat or seat belt is broken. Obviously this is not a green light to start causing willful damage, but it's worth checking.

On packed flights there may be nowhere else to put you other than in the lap of the Gods. This includes if entertainment system and whether your seat can fully recline says Katherine Clark

3.) Fly outside of commuter times

Regular business travellers tend to get preference over casual holiday-goers in the Battle For An Upgrade. They've got the air miles, they know the airport staff and they look the part. 

To give yourself a fighting chance book flights that laptop Larrys are less likely to be on. Think midday, midweek and on weekends, not early mornings or late afternoons.

Arrive early or late for check-in, the airline might have overbooked the flight and need to move you
Arrive early or late for check-in, the airline might have overbooked the flight and need to move you

Arrive early or late for check-in, the airline might have overbooked the flight and need to move you

4.) Sit near a baby

Not that you have much control over this, but if the worst happens and you find yourself sitting next to a bawling child ask to move. You might get a worse seat near the loo or you might strike First Class gold. At the very least you'll probably get a complimentary drink to drown your sorrows.

Sitting next to a crying baby gives you an airtight case for requesting a seat switch

Sitting next to a crying baby gives you an airtight case for requesting a seat switch

5.) Arrive early or late

The early bird catches the worm. Skyscanner's James Teideman has seen it pay to be prompt to check-in. 

'If passengers need to be moved between cabins for operational reasons, the airline will probably know this several hours before the flight. So if you're among the first few passengers to check-in, you have a higher chance of being chosen.

Likewise, closer to the end of check-in, airlines might be faced with overbooking if more passengers have turned up than they were expecting.'

6.) Fly solo

Sometimes it pays to leave friends and family behind. Katherine Clark advises travelling by yourself. 'It's much easier to upgrade a single passenger up to business class than a family of four.'

Enjoy the benefits of travelling alone. You're more likely to be upgraded

Enjoy the benefits of travelling alone. You're more likely to be upgraded

7.) Dress for success

While experts agree that looking like an investment banker or Hollywood film star doesn't help as much as it used to, tracksuits and torn jeans certainly won't further your cause. 

Airlines want first and business class to look a league above, so make sure you do too. Bob Atkinson, travel expert at TravelSupermarket.com advises sticking to the 'smart casual' code and that 'a cashmere shawl or linen jacket can make all the difference.'

A queue of flights ready for takeoff at Heathrow airport. Where will you be sitting?

A queue of flights ready for takeoff at Heathrow airport. Where will you be sitting?

8.) Just ask

It's an obvious point but asking politely at the check-in desk is often enough. Katherine Clark says: 'If you don't ask you don't get and with more people checking in online there are less people asking the question, 'Is the flight full?' If they can't give you a free upgrade, they might give you a heavily reduced one.

Bob Atkinson adds: 'It can make all the difference if you remember your Ps and Qs with a smile on your face.'

9.) Use air miles

You'll need to do some research as the small print differs wildly between various airlines and alliances as to when and how you can exchange points for a luxury ride, but substituting collated air miles for the smell of First Class can be points well spent.

10.) Break your leg

Nearly two thirds of airline staff in a Skyscanner survey revealed that a passenger with a broken limb was more likely to get the premium experience for free. 

While it's certainly not worth breaking your leg before you travel, letting cabin crew know about your injuries and ailments might just win you their sympathy. 

Break a leg: let flight attendants know if you have injuries better suited to business class. But don't fake it

Break a leg: let flight attendants know if you have injuries better suited to business class. But don't fake it

11.) Discount deals

Keep an eye on your email and sign up to airline groups and schemes. They often send out messages alerting members of upgrade availability. 

Ireland's Aer Lingus gives you the chance to bid for an upgrade. You request an email from them before travelling, enter an amount you're willing to pay and then wait to hear if you've made the cut.

12.) Fly on your birthday

You can't fake it. As you flash flight attendants your passport they may take pity on you and give you the present you so long for.

Nearly one in five of us has been upgraded in the last two years, according to a recent survey

Nearly one in five of us has been upgraded in the last two years, according to a recent survey

13.) Make a song and dance

If you've got a good horror story about getting to the airport, had a security hassle, suffered poor service or just some plain bad luck – share it with the attendant or check-in desk and they might want to improve your day .

If you're on your honeymoon or it's a big anniversary it's worth a mention too, but only if it really is. Check-in staff and air stewards are old hands at spotting fakers. 

Remember to be polite and if it's your birthday or a special occasion let the check-in attendant know

Remember to be polite and if it's your birthday or a special occasion let the check-in attendant know

14.) Volunteer to switch

If your flight is overbooked, instead of causing a scene, offer to switch flights. It's a long shot but so long as it doesn't inconvenience you, there's a chance they'll be so grateful that your chivalry and generosity will be rewarded.

15.) Be generous

If all else fails perhaps there is a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape or box of Milk Tray in your suitcase which pushes you over the luggage limit that the check-in attendant might like to take off your hands….?




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