My family has caught cabin fever! A Forest Holiday in Norfolk is magic for children


My husband does not do camping, yomping or roughing it. He's at his happiest on the sofa with our five-year-old daughter Dora.

Our son Daniel, eight, would rather be whittling sticks in the African bush. We live in a small house in London, and the lack of space drives us all slightly bananas. Could a Forest Holiday be the perfect family break?

Forest holidays are all about family time together. The onus is on making your own fun, with a little help from the ranger.

Family time: On a Forest Holiday, the onus is on making your own fun

Family time: On a Forest Holiday, the onus is on making your own fun

There is no great central dome; no heated pool, bowling alley or Sunday carvery. Instead, just a Forest Retreat cabin combining reception, shop and cafe.

At each of Forest Holidays' nine sites, 60 near- identical spruce cabins promise to help you 'reconnect with an age when life was simpler' — with the understanding that you'll still want wi-fi, wide-screen TV and parking outside your front door. There is also that simplest of luxuries — a frothing hot tub on the verandah.


The four of us pack our swimming gear, pile into the car and head for Thorpe forest in Norfolk.

Staff are polite and attentive as we check in at the front desk; this, clearly, is no camp-site. But where is the wilderness?

Cabin 22 is half way down a looping drive set in a pine plantation. The brochure suggests a solitary experience; just the majesty of nature and you — it doesn't mention the other cabins. 'Cabin' is too rustic a word for these aspirational buildings, with soaring roofs and huge windows.

Inside the cabin: Each one has wi-fi, wide-screen TV a frothing hot tub on the verandah

Inside the cabin: Each one has wi-fi, wide-screen TV a frothing hot tub on the verandah

They stand 50 paces apart on small stilts, just high enough for a fox to slink under, surrounded by pencil-straight Corsican pines.

A large animal lollops across the track. 'It's a hare, Mummy, a hare!' cries Daniel.

The four of us lower ourselves gingerly into the hot tub. Steam rises. A wren perches a few feet away.

The children shriek with delight at the strangeness of it all, bubbling in the twilight of a pine-scented wood.

Later, we walk along the river through a gauntlet of nettles ('I want to go back to the cabin!' wails Dora) and are rewarded with the sight of a large snake swimming in the river, head raised proud.

On our hired mountain bikes we make for open heathland and find foxgloves, wild- flowers, sunshine.

There is an exhilarating sense of infinity. It's a new feeling for the children and they're excited by it.

With all this exercise and fresh air, my husband and I begin to unwind.

The process is helped on Sunday by an in-cabin massage for me and for him; the therapist obligingly turns off her mood music so we can hear the birdsong.

No need to think up activities for the children: they're pickling themselves in the hot tub. But we ought to sample some of the organised fun, and since they're too young for archery or vertiginous tree trekking, we book onto a Gruffalo Trail.

And it is a Gruffalo kind of wood, with tall trees, dappled sunlight and bugs. Charlie has laid out twig arrows and they race down tracks hunting for 'animals' (laminated images, dangling from trees).

Would we — like 96.6 per cent of Forest Holiday guests —come again? Camping is far cheaper, but I wouldn't lure Nick on a camping holiday.

As for the children, we can't get them out of the hot tub and into the car.

'I want to live here for a year,' says Daniel.


A three-night break for four with Forest Holidays (03330 110495, costs from £420. Cabins sleep two to ten. For a 15 per cent discount during the summer holidays (July 25 to August 31, 2014), enter SUMMER15 when booking online.


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