Video warns Tour de France riders what to expect in Yorkshire (and says avoid bright clothing... it scares the sheep)


Ditch the helmets for flat caps and switch bright jackets for a grey cardigans to blend in with the locals and avoid scaring the sheep - this is a Yorkshire man's video advice to the Tour de France riders when the grand race begins in July.

Alistaire MacGregor's tongue-in-cheek video for those joining British hopes Chris Froome, Mark Cavendish and Bradley Wiggins for the opening three stages of Le Tour in Britain has gone viral with its broad-ranging advice extending to pies and peas, livestock, the weather and the best-suited footwear for traversing wet roads - it's clogs, by the way.

The video saw 10,000 hits in its first few hours of posting on YouTube and has soared over 60,000 views, attracting attention from around the world.

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Acclimatising: Tour de France champion Chris Froome (centre front) has been training in Yorkshire, where the famous race begins in July

Acclimatising: Tour de France champion Chris Froome (centre front) has been training in Yorkshire, where the famous race begins in July

Too shiny!: On Yorkshire local Alistaire MacGregor's tongue-in-cheek viral video advice, Le Tour's yellow jersey and the riders' helmets could scare the sheep in the area

Too shiny!: On Yorkshire local Alistaire MacGregor's tongue-in-cheek viral video advice, Le Tour's yellow jersey and the riders' helmets could scare the sheep in the area

Baa-reakaway group: Thousands of spectators are expected to join the sheep as the elite cyclists contest the opening stages of the sport's premier race

Baa-reakaway group: Thousands of spectators are expected to join the sheep as the elite cyclists contest the opening stages of the sport's premier race


Stage 1:  Saturday, July 5, Leeds to Harrogate

Stage 2: Sunday, July 6, York to Sheffield

Stage 3: Monday, July 7, Cambridge to London

Alistaire, from Holmfirth in West Yorkshire, says he was inspired to make the video after seeing an elderly man attempting to push a rusty bike up one of the Tour's climbs.

'The bike must have weighed more than a car, with all this heavy gear on,' he said. 'I just thought what a difference in technology now where they all have carbon frames.

'It made me smile and consider how hardy Yorkshire folk are. Nothing phases us, and it's going to be fantastic up here when the Tour de France arrives next month.

'I jotted down a few ideas and mixed in a few jokes about Yorkshire attitudes.'

The video features figures from Norah Batty to Chris Froome among a series of great Yorkshire landscapes, as Alistaire speaks with a dubious Yorkshire accent over a hearty soundtrack.

He can cheekily be heard telling the cyclists set to race that they 'need to know one thing - we don't like bright colours as it scares the sheep' and so asks them to 'pop on brown or grey cardies over your top while you're cycling around'.

Local headdress: Helmets will look out of place in Yorkshire, so blend in with a customary flat cap

Local headdress: Helmets will look out of place in Yorkshire, so blend in with a customary flat cap

Kitted out: Britain's Mark Cavendish is not just a top cyclist but also a world class cardigan wearer

Kitted out: Britain's Mark Cavendish is not just a top cyclist but also a world class cardigan wearer

On the four-minute video, he also comments that having heard people are coming from south of Sheffield, he also suggests spectators wear a 'heavy duty donkey-jacket' as it can get a 'bit blowy'.

MacGregor politely asks that the last cyclist in the group 'shuts the gate behind them to keep the sheep in, as they don't want them getting off everywhere'.


He also suggests riders leave their 'shiny, strange looking' helmets off the road in favour of a flat cap and that the king of the mountain classification may have to change it's name as there was only one King in Yorkshire, England cricket legend Geoffrey Boycott.

Alistaire, a tennis coach, also had an ulterior motive for the video to promote his Tour de France camp site, The Camp on Holme Moss, which he's set up for visitors during the race's British sojourn.

He said: 'There's a lot of people charging a lot of money for camping during the Tour de France which I thought was very unfair.

Royalty: There's only one king of Yorkshire, says MacGregor, and that's cricket legend Geoffrey Boycott

Royalty: There's only one king of Yorkshire, says MacGregor, and that's cricket legend Geoffrey Boycott

Mountain stage: MacGregor was inspired to make the video by an elderly man pushing a bike up Holme Moss

Mountain stage: MacGregor was inspired to make the video by an elderly man pushing a bike up Holme Moss

'Everyone was moaning on Facebook so I got in contact with a local farmer and set up a proper camp site really close so people can walk up there.

'We've had hundreds of people book in to stay and we're by far the biggest campsite in the area now. Even the BBC are planning to stay here, I'm told.'

Alistaire is expecting spectators from as far afield as the US to stay at The Camp on Holme Moss and the video's done his marketing no harm.

'Everyone seems to love it,' said Alistaire. 'It shows how amazing the Tour de France is going to be.

'There's a few coming from America, and also people from France and Spain, so we're expecting a great atmosphere.

'We're all very excited.'

And a final bit of advice from Alistaire - 'Don't forget wellies!'



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