Pelican's beak is the perfect perch for a camera to take in the vista of remote Tanzanian retreat


Getting a bird's eye view of a pristine landscape is one thing, but peli-cam is a whole other experience.

Meet Big Bird, the male pelican who chose the remote western Tanzanian beach lodge Greystoke Mahale as his home and it's no wonder given the view he gets from the air.

Big Bird's maiden flight with what his adopted family call peli-cam takes in the serene vista of the East African retreat which includes the Mahale Mountains, the adjoining forest and private beach. 

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Wing-span: This pelican named Big Bird adopted Tanzanian retreat Greystoke Mahale as his home

Wing-span: This pelican named Big Bird adopted Tanzanian retreat Greystoke Mahale as his home

Ready for take off: Big Bird takes flight from the beach and shows off his home

Ready for take off: Big Bird takes flight from the beach and shows off his home

While a three-night stay will set us back £2,230 - including return flights - through the Luxury Safari Company, Big Bird has free reign of the complex after being rescued as a baby by staff.


He's not the only sweet wildlife in the area, of course, with a nearby family of chimpanzees among the nine primate species, many other bird species, native bushbuck and leopards - there's also reports of excellent fishing, no doubt another source of appeal for Big Bird.

For humans staying there, rooms are positions along the forest line and overlook the lake, each with its own private deck.

Ruling the roost: The plucky pelican was rescued as a chick by the resort's staff

Ruling the roost: The plucky pelican was rescued as a chick by the resort's staff


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