New formula helps you work out whether to let a travel agent do the hard work (and you could save £22 per hour)


Opting to book your holiday online is often the cheaper option but is it worth all the hours of research when a travel agent could do the hard work for you?

Now a travel company has devised a calculation to help holidaymakers work out how much money they will save from doing their own research.

The simple sum - (Hourly Wage) x (Number of Research Hours) = Minimum Saving on a Holiday - helps travellers identify how much cash they need to justify their time.

Calculating the costs: The new sum helps travellers identify how much cash they need to justify their time

Calculating the costs: The new sum helps travellers identify how much cash they need to justify their time

Airport hotel website found a relationship between the cost of a holiday and how much a person was likely to save per hour of research.

People booking a holiday of up to £200 spent an average of 3.5 hours researching their trip and saved just under £30, or £8.30 per hour - more than the minimum wage but below the average wage.

When booking more expensive holidays people tended to save more money through their research.


At the top end of the scale, out of the 15 per cent of Britons who booked holidays costing £2,500 and over, an average of 10 hours was spent on research to make an average saving of nearly £240, giving a considerable saving of £22 per hour.

A spokesperson for the company said: 'It all boils down to how you value your time. If your hourly wage is higher than your savings per hour, the rational action would be to let a travel agency take the work off your hands, while you spend the time earning more at work.

'If, however, you are saving more per hour than you are earning at work it is prudent to take the time to carry out your own research and book independently of an agency.'

Time is money: The study showed that, the more research you do, the more you will save on your trip

Time is money: The study showed that, the more research you do, the more you will save on your trip

Surprisingly, when it came to researching their big trip, younger travellers were more likely to consult travel agents than the older generation, according to the survey of 2,000 holidaymakers.

A total of 36 per cent of 16-24 year olds sought advice from travel agents online and in person, compared to just 19 per cent of 55 year olds and above.

It was thought the older customers would have more time on their hands to spend researching their holiday, but 55 year olds and over were the least likely to do any research (26 per cent), compared to 25-34 year olds (15 per cent).

The majority of people preferred to carry out their research on a desktop computer or laptop

The majority of people preferred to carry out their research on a desktop computer or laptop

Nearly half of people chose to book their holiday online, citing the fact that it was quicker and less stressful

Nearly half of people chose to book their holiday online, citing the fact that it was quicker and less stressful

The majority of holidaymakers spent £801-£1,500 (19 per cent) on their last trip, followed by £201-400 (18 per cent) and £401-£600 (18 per cent). Only 4 per cent spent more than £2,500 on their trip.

Desktop computers and laptops were the most popular device to research a holiday (53 per cent), while only 6.4 per cent opted to research their trip on a tablet and only 2.1 per cent used their mobile phone.

When it came to booking a holiday, 45 per cent of people did so using a desktop or laptop.

Older holidaymakers were more likely to pick up the phone - 16 per cent of the 45-54 year olds and 21 per cent of the 55 year olds and above booked using the phone, compared to 7 per cent of 16-24 year olds and 9 per cent of 25-34 year olds.

Expert advice: People said they turned to travel agents for their knowledge and to save time and money

Expert advice: People said they turned to travel agents for their knowledge and to save time and money

Nearly half (48 per cent) of those surveyed chose to book their holiday online, citing the fact that it was easier; much quicker; less stressful; and more flexible.

Just over a quarter (28 per cent) of people preferred to use a travel agent either online or in person and said they turned to them for their expert knowledge; because it was an easier way of doing things; to save money; and to save time.

Graham Greenaway, director at FHR, said: 'Travel companies stuck with the mentality that the older generation does not use their websites need to think again.

'Our latest research shows that this age group is now carrying out more research via their computers than using travel agents. The same applies to when they book their holidays.

'Moving forward, to cater for this shift in online behaviour, we should see less emphasis from travel companies on brochures and more focus on websites.'


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