Missing Gareth Huntley's mother travels to Malaysia to join the search


The mother of a British backpacker missing in the jungle said she has travelled to Malaysia 'to be here when they find him', as as rescue efforts enter their sixth day.

Gareth Huntley, who is on a sabbatical from his job in the City, has not been seen since he went on a trek to visit a waterfall in Tioman Island last Tuesday morning.

Janet Southwell arrived on the island this morning to support the search effort for her son.

Joining the search: Janet Southwell, pictured here with her son Gareth, has travelled out to Malaysia to be there when he is found

Joining the search: Janet Southwell, pictured here with her son Gareth, has travelled out to Malaysia to be there when he is found

She told the BBC: 'I want to see the area for myself, absolutely, get a feel for where he's lost, where he's missing.

'I just want to be here when they find him. I think he will want to see a familiar face.

'I'm obviously very concerned. It's going to be a good outcome, so I just have to focus on that.'

She added that if possible she would like to join the search.

Last Friday a professional search team was deployed on the island of Tioman, including ten paramilitary commandos, five police officers, three guides with search dogs, a fire and rescue team, two boats and a helicopter.

Mr Huntley left the headquarters of the Juara Turtle Project, where he was working, on May 27 to hike through the jungle. He told staff he would be back that afternoon but failed to return.

Missing: Gareth Huntley went missing last Tuesday after deciding to trek to a waterfall in the jungle

Missing: Gareth Huntley went missing last Tuesday after deciding to trek to a waterfall in the jungle

The British Government has stepped up attempts to find the 34-year-old, who is originally from the Leeds-Bradford border, while Defence Secretary Philip Hammond has been assured that 'all available search assets' are being used.

Mr Huntley's family have praised the 'fantastic' attempts to find the trained accountant.

His younger brother, Mark, said the family are keeping positive as a result of efforts to find him.

He said: 'We want to personally thank David Cameron and Philip Hammond for their reassurances. It is a very big positive for us.

Faith: Both Gareth's mother and girlfriend are hopeful that Gareth can be found

Faith: Both Gareth's mother and girlfriend are hopeful that Gareth can be found

We are, of course, very grateful to the Malaysian people and the authorities for their work too. Everyone has been fantastic.

'We are told that local people went out to look for Gareth as soon as he was first described as missing - so without them there would not be a search mission.

'What we need now is for that work to continue and to find my brother.'

Last week Mrs Southwell explained that it was out of character for her son to go missing. 'He's got an exploring nature, he's intelligent, and hopefully his ability to apply himself will get him through this.

'He was on a break from work, he was due to start a new job in Singapore next week. It's totally out of character for him to go missing, he just would not do it. He knows there are too many people who care and love him.'

Mr Huntley's girlfriend Kit Natariga arrived on the island yesterday.

Miss Natariga admitted time to find him was 'running out'. She told Sky News: 'It's really tough coming onto the island, we're in a bit of a helpless state. We cannot give up... time is running out.'

She said her boyfriend was an experienced backpacker and adventurer who would take utmost care in ensuring he was prepared for excursions.

A Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokesman said: 'The Defence Secretary, who is in Malaysia, has spoken to the Malaysian Defence Minister to confirm that all available search assets are used to find Gareth Huntley.

'He was assured that the Malaysian authorities would do all they could to locate him and had already
deployed significant assets including dogs, boats and a helicopter.

'The Government will continue to work with the Malaysian authorities to ensure there is a comprehensive search.'

Adventurers: Kit Natariga has also headed to Tioman Island to join the search for her boyfriend Gareth (left)

Adventurers: Kit Natariga has also headed to Tioman Island to join the search for her boyfriend Gareth (left)

Fellow volunteer Charles Fisher said a group went to search for him after he did not return from the 'huge wilderness'.

They checked various different routes to the waterfall 6km away that he might have taken, while a further search the next day also proved fruitless.

Mr Fisher added: 'Then the afternoon of the second day the police were informed - they sent a couple of members of the police force along to have a look but didn't go far or look very much - they were just sort of assessing the situation.

Hopeful: Gareth's family and friends believe he could still be found alive but have warned 'time is running out'

Hopeful: Gareth's family and friends believe he could still be found alive but have warned 'time is running out'

'Then the next day, the 29th, a group of volunteers went out and looked then came back again. Another group from the local community also went out as well and went deep into the jungle.

'The police were no longer physically looking at that point - I think they were arranging for a search party but nothing happened that day.

'It's a huge wilderness out there - a remote location. He could have taken a wrong turn and just got lost in another valley - we just don't know. The trouble is the police probably don't have proper search equipment - they need extra support.'

A Facebook group has been set up to raise awareness about Mr Huntley's disappearance.


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