From Londoners praying to New Yorkers using smartphones on the loo: Ikea survey reveals morning habits of major cities


New York is the city that never sleeps – and seemingly never stops working too.

The rise of smartphones and tablets has helped people to work on the go. But now a new report from Ikea has revealed they like to work when they go too.

The Swedish furniture giant has published a new study called Life At Home which looks at the morning habits of residents in Berlin, London, Moscow, Mumbai, New York, Shanghai and Stockholm.

On the go: The Ikea survey revealed New Yorkers are most likely to use their smartphones when they first wake up - including on the loo

On the go: The Ikea survey revealed New Yorkers are most likely to use their smartphones when they first wake up - including on the loo

It spoke to around 1,000 respondents in each city, aged between 18 to 60.

And it has emerged 17 per cent of workoholic New Yorkers admit they conduct their business in the bathroom.


While, according to the survey, Londoners wish they were having sex while only eight per actually do in the morning. But 14 per cent of residents make time to pray once a week.

The report says: 'Traditional room functions are long gone, and we seem to do whatever, wherever and whenever - something which our new digital savviness allows.

'New Yorkers have no issue conducting their business where other business is traditionally done.'

Wakey wakey! Londoners are more likely to start the day with prayer than any other city

Wakey wakey! Londoners are more likely to start the day with prayer than any other city

Sweden surprisingly matches New York in multi-tasking while on the toilet while the remainder of the cities surveyed average around 10 per cent.

But in contrast to Sweden's liberal reputation, sex is low down on their agenda early on in the day.

Interestingly it's Mumbai who comes out on top in terms of intimacy and bedroom habits.

An impressive 13 per cent of Mumbaikars get regular nookie in the mornings.

And unsurprisingly 63 per cent of locals revealing they feel most happy and calm early on in the day.

These figures are in stark contrast to every other country surveyed, with Moscow and Paris emerging as the most stressed.

Shanghai is the least touchy-feely city with one in four people say they are never affectionate with their partner.

At a whopping 70 pages long the report goes into A LOT of detail.


New York:

50 per cent of people crave morning sex but only nine per cent actually do. Desperate to get to the office less than half of New York eats breakfast. But nearly half of all New Yorkers who make the time for breakfast do so with a smartphone or computer in hand.


Praying is more common in London than any other European city, with 14 per cent of all Londoners doing it at least once a week on weekday mornings. Londoners have emerged as being rather slow in the mornings with a majority rising at 7am or later.

But 59 per cent wish they had more time for sex, citing cuddling in bed with their loved one as important but only eight per cent starting their day with sex.


It's second only to Moscow in terms of how much stress its citizens feel about how they look. And while we usually think of Parisians oozing with confidence, it's emerges they are least confident about their appearance than any other city.

Stressed out: Parisians are the least confident about their appearance in the morning, says the survey

Stressed out: Parisians are the least confident about their appearance in the morning, says the survey


13 per cent of them admit to getting jiggy regularly before they go to work. 63 per cent are their happiest in the morning, with many say they feel 'calm and peaceful'.


40 per cent of Moscow's women feel that the morning is their most anxious time of the day.

Worried about their appearance, women say an extensive beauty regime is very important. 71 per cent declare weekday morning makeup a must, compared to just over half among all other surveyed women. 


42 per cent of them consider themselves as evening people so have no issue in pressing snooze more than once. Berliners are also more relaxed about how they look: only 13 per cent feel nervous about their appearance when they leave home.


The Chinese capital doesn't rate high in the sex and cuddling questions in Ikea's survey with only one in four people who live with others being physically affectionate with each other in the mornings. That's about half of the share in other cities in the report.


Ikea says, 'Swedes may have quite an active and liberal reputation stemming from the Seventies', however it turns out that Stockholm has less weekday sex than any other city involved except, unsurprisingly Shanghai.


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