Flash! Bang! Wallop! What a picture... what a holiday photograph - A third of us can't go away without posting our snaps online


Forget the sightseeing, snub the socialising, ignore the shops – it's those holiday snaps that most people care about.

British tourists put an average of 45 photographs 'bragging' about their holiday on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, new research reveals.

Thirty-six per cent of those surveyed even said that using photos to show off about their trip was more important than sightseeing and soaking up the culture.

The Holy Selfie: Not everyone goes on holiday and meets Pope Francis, so these youngsters made the most of it

The Holy Selfie: Not everyone goes on holiday and meets Pope Francis, so these youngsters made the most of it

Posting smartphone snaps on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter also beats socialising (19 per cent), shopping (15 per cent) and reading (13 per cent).

Mobile phone network Three quizzed 3,000 Britons about their social media holiday habits.


Forty per cent of those asked said that posting photos was a highlight of the trip and a third said it was a must-do activity.

On average, a holidaymaker shares 45 photos on social media during their holiday but a hardcore 10 per cent post more than 100 pictures in just one week.

Sunrise, sunset...This is the subject of the most popular holiday photograph with more than half of holidaymakers taking a similar picture

Sunrise, sunset...This is the subject of the most popular holiday photograph with more than half of holidaymakers taking a similar picture

This is one of the most popular subjects pf the photos according to mobile network 3

This is one of the most popular subjects pf the photos according to mobile network 3

Pity the poor postcard makers as 85 per cent of people on their last holiday took part in the craze.

It's often a case of oneupmanship as almost one in four Britons only post pictures to make them look glamorous or 'well-to-do' and 19 per cent do it to make their friends and family jealous.

Three unveiled the study's findings as it rolled out its free from data roaming charges policy to another five countries.

Tom Malleschitz, Three's Director of Marketing, said Britain has become a 'nation of social media fanatics.

'We're now a nation of social media fanatics and this couldn't be truer when we're on holiday.

'When Brits jet off they turn up the online bragging more than a notch or two.'


1 Sunsets and sunrises (53 per cent)
2 Famous landmarks, particularly 'forced perspective' shots (52 per cent)
3 Selfies (42 per cent)
4 Restaurant meals (34 per cent)
5 Cocktails (33 per cent)
6 Beach sunbathing shots, including the famous 'hot dog legs' (24 per cent)
7 The plane wing (22 per cent)
8 The airport (19 per cent)
9 Reading a book by the pool (11 per cent)
10 Contents of suitcase (seven per cent)


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