Back to the rock! Adventurer leaves the UK for Britain's loneliest outpost in the Outer Hebrides in second attempt to break record


Adventurer Nick Hancock headed out into the Atlantic today to begin his second bid to live for two months on Britain's loneliest outpost, Rockall.

His last attempt to break the record for living alone on the tiny, remote rock in the Outer Hebrides ended before it even began at the end of May last year.

Heavy seas stopped him leaving his boat and he was forced to make the 15-hour return trip to Leverburgh on nearby Harris.

Not particularly inviting: Rockall in the North Atlantic is an isolated pinnacle which only four people have ever managed to sleep on

Not particularly inviting: Rockall in the North Atlantic is an isolated pinnacle which only four people have ever managed to sleep on

Ready: Nick Hancock left for Rockall today

Ready: Nick Hancock left for Rockall today

But now the Chartered surveyor and former Officer Training Corps cadet is to try again by landing on the rock tomorrow, weather permitting.

On Twitter Hancock announced: 'We're heading to #Rockall today!' before loading his equipment on to the chartered Kilda Cruises boat at Leverburgh on Harris in the Outer Hebrides.

Hancock, 38, from Ratho near Edinburgh, is raising money for the charity Help for Heroes, and plans to make regular broadcasts for TV and social media from Rockall.

Hancock has been practising load winching to ensure he gets his survival pod - created from an 8ft yellow water tank and powered by a small wind turbine and solar panels for charging his satellite communications - up on to Rockall.

'The only real physical side is the initial climb and hauling the pod and equipment up,' he says.

The occupiable area of Rockall, named in 1955 as Hall's Ledge after the first recorded person to land there, is just 11ft by 4ft, and is 13ft below the summit.

The 'rockpod' footprint will leave accessible only the flattish platform on the summit for Mr Hancock to scramble up to for exercise.

Last year Hancock set off for Rockall, an eroded volcano, which lies 260 miles west of the Outer Hebrides with the intention of spending 60 days on the remote sea rock, which is just 100ft wide and 70ft high.


He had taken all food and water with him and planned to live in a 23 stone shelter bolted to the rock in his bid to break the current 42-day record.

But when he arrived, the swell around the rock made it impossible for him to safely scramble on.
He also admitted his wife Pamela did not want him to go. The couple have a two-year-old son Freddie.

Survival pod: Hancock's bright yellow pod, made from a 8ft water tank will be his home during his isolation

Survival pod: Hancock's bright yellow pod, made from a 8ft water tank will be his home during his isolation

Greenpeace activists were the last to occupy Rockall in 1997 in protest at plans to expand oil exploration

Greenpeace activists were the last to occupy Rockall in 1997 in protest at plans to expand oil exploration

Hancock, who in 2012 stayed for a short while on Rockall as part of a reconnaissance mission for last year's mission, had aimed to set two endurance records on the isolated islet and raise £10,000 for the Help for Heroes charity.

Rockall is constantly pounded by 3,000 miles of Atlantic swell. The world's largest recorded oceanic waves of over 95 feet were recorded there in 2000 - some 19 feet higher than Rockall itself.

Being in such an isolated location, only four people have ever slept there, and less than 100 have landed on it.

The first record for time spent on Rockall was 40 days in 1985, when ex-SAS soldier Tom McClean lived on the rock from 26 May to 4 July to affirm Britain's claim to the islet, which has been disputed by Ireland, Iceland and Denmark.

His record was broken in 1997 by three Greenpeace activists who stayed there for 42 days in protest at north Atlantic oil exploration.


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