Almost half of parents fear they wouldn't be able to save their child if they were drowing (and say they have lost sight of their child on holiday


Almost half of parents admit they would not know how to save their child if they were drowning, according to a study.

Research in aid of Drowning Prevention Week, which starts on Saturday, found that while drowning is the third highest cause of accidental death in children in the UK, 75 per cent of parents were unaware of this.

At risk: Half of parents admit they have lost sight of their child long enough to cause panic

At risk: Half of parents admit they have lost sight of their child long enough to cause panic

Tragically, 400 people including 60 children drown every year in the UK - and many of us would not know what to do in an emergency.

In fact, 44 per cent of the parents asked, feared that they wouldn't be able to save their child if they were in trouble in the water, adding that they didn't think their children had the necessary skills to save themselves.

Half of parents owned up to losing sight of a child for long enough to cause panic on holiday

The research, was conducted by baby swimming company Waterbabies, who offered advice for parents and children to prevent drowning on holiday.


  • Actively supervise young children around water. If leaving, even for a moment, take your child with you or designate a known adult to supervise
  • Don't ask older siblings to watch younger children – they're not trained or mature enough to be given such a responsibility
  • Save the local emergency numbers on your mobile and make sure your whole family knows where the rescue equipment and lifeguards are based
  • Toys and inflatables are often unstable and can be a hazard without adequate supervision
  • Do not swim at beaches with large waves, a powerful undertow or no lifeguards
  • Find out where the lifeguards are and learn water symbols and flags indicating current beach conditions.
  • Stay sober - drinking can impair supervision and swimming skills


  • Never, ever swim alone
  • Never push or jump either in or around water – it might result in injury
  • Never dive into water unless an adult has already tested the depth and checked for underwater hazards
  • Before you swim, always ask what to do in an emergency and where to get help
  • Always wait an hour after a meal before swimming


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