A fifth of newlyweds admit to taking friends with them on honeymoon


Most newlyweds dream of that romantic escape for two, but it seems an increasing number of loved-up couples are actually taking their friends away with them on their honeymoon.

As many as 20 per cent of couples have shared their post-nuptial travels with pals, sparking a trend in so-called buddymoons, according to a survey by foreign exchange company Travelex.

And nearly half of couples said they would consider a buddymoon if it saved them money.

Buddymoon break: A fifth of newlyweds take their friends away with them on honeymoon

Buddymoon break: A fifth of newlyweds take their friends away with them on honeymoon

And if taking friends away wasn't enough, how about mum and dad? The poll showed that some couples would even let family members tag along.

But five per cent would only go away with others if it meant a saving of up to 75 per cent, according to the survey.


For buddymooners the most popular destination was Dubai, followed by Thailand, France, South Africa and Turkey.

Travelex said these were all destinations where the pound has strengthened against the local currency, giving UK holidaymakers more spending power.

On the beach: Dubai and Thailand top the list of destinations newlyweds would consider with their friends

On the beach: Dubai and Thailand top the list of destinations newlyweds would consider with their friends

Elvin Eldic, from Travelex, said: 'With young couples feeling the growing financial squeeze of tying the knot, it's unsurprising that many are bucking traditional honeymoon trends in order to rein in the cost of getting married.

'It makes perfect sense to continue the celebrations with loved ones, while sharing the costs. In recent months the pound has improved significantly against most popular currencies.'

Hotel booking company Mr & Mrs Smith said: 'We've seen increasing popularity for couples sharing honeymoons.'


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