Edinburgh's new tram system finally launches five years late and £400m over budget


Passengers have had a long wait but Edinburgh's controversial new trams finally carried their first paying customers today.

The first service set off from the Gyle Shopping Centre at 5am this morning following six years of building work and problems including a bitter dispute between the council and its contractor.

Developers had planned to build an entire network but reduced the project to just one route, which links York Place in the city centre with Edinburgh Airport.

The scheme to return trams to the streets of Scotland's capital came in around £400m over budget and five years over schedule, and was described as a shambles' by Edinburgh City Council chief executive Sue Bruce.

Long wait: Passengers join the queue to board the very first tram at Edinburgh's Gyle Shopping Centre

Long wait: Passengers join the queue to board the very first tram at Edinburgh's Gyle Shopping Centre

Standing room only: Passengers queued for hours to be the first to board the new tram

Standing room only: Passengers queued for hours to be the first to board the new tram

The long-running project sees the return of trams to the capital for the first time in around 58 years.

Trams will run seven days a week on the new route, which is 8.7 miles long and features 15 stops.

Originally, £375m was earmarked for the scheme by the Labour-led Scottish Executive and it was expected to be completed by 2009.

But the project ground to a halt due to the dispute and the city's residents had to endure six years of road closures.

In the driving seat: Craig Scotland sets off for the city centre in the early hours of the morning

In the driving seat: Craig Scotland sets off for the city centre in the early hours of the morning

Big fan: Tram enthusiast Iain Thom shows off his homemade version as he waits to board the new service

Big fan: Tram enthusiast Iain Thom shows off his homemade version as he waits to board the new service

The new network was initially intended to stretch to the waterfront at Leith and Newhaven but the delays meant that this was reduced to just one route.

Overall, the scheme cost £776 million and overran by five years.

Many Edinburgh residents grew increasingly frustrated with the project as they had to endure roadworks and traffic congestion, while others remain angry at the over-budget cost of the project.

Time for take-off: The new trams will ferry passengers from York Place in the city centre to Edinburgh Airport

Time for take-off: The new trams will ferry passengers from York Place in the city centre to Edinburgh Airport

Famous faces: Edinburgh Rugby player Sam Hidalgo-Clyne at Murrayfield tram stop

Famous faces: Edinburgh Rugby player Sam Hidalgo-Clyne at Murrayfield tram stop

Edinburgh City Council chief executive Sue Bruce told the BBC that the project had been a 'shambles'.

'It's not a day for jubilation,' she said. 'I think the whole of Edinburgh is relieved that the programme is now in place and the city can move on.'

Edinburgh City Council transport convener Lesley Hinds conceded that the transport project had been 'hugely challenging' but said there was now 'growing positivity' about the trams.


Ms Hinds said: 'Two years ago, I pledged to do everything in my power to ensure we brought this project in on the revised budget and revised schedule.

'It was never going to be straightforward, but with an incredible team effort and a focus on results, it now feels fantastic to be where we are today.

'The tram project has been hugely challenging for the people of Edinburgh but now there seems to be a growing positivity in the city about the start of a brand new transport service.

'I know from first-hand experience how trams can transform and enhance a city and I am determined Edinburgh should make the very most of the opportunities ahead.'

History in the making: George Broom holds a sign from the city's old tram system that stopped running in 1956

History in the making: George Broom holds a sign from the city's old tram system that stopped running in 1956

Cutbacks: Delays in the project meant that the network was reduced to just one route

Cutbacks: Delays in the project meant that the network was reduced to just one route

Ms Hinds said the system would be monitored closely.

She added: 'As we've said, there are no current plans to look at extending the line and it would be inappropriate to do anything until we've had a chance to review the service's performance over the first six months or so.

'I've called for a report to be presented to council before the end of 2014 so that future options can be debated.'

There have been calls for a public inquiry, but Scottish transport minister Keith Brown said there are no immediate plans for one.

'We've said let's wait until the system is up and running and then look at lessons to be learned,' he said.

Ticket to ride: Louise MacLellan and Jamie Cockburn were among the first paying passengers

Ticket to ride: Louise MacLellan and Jamie Cockburn were among the first paying passengers

Trip down memory lane: Alastair Byres (left) and Norman Steven were on the last tram service in 1956

Trip down memory lane: Alastair Byres (left) and Norman Steven were on the last tram service in 1956

But there were some happy customers on the route: the trams were hailed as 'absolutely fantastic' by one of the travellers on the very first service.

Tram enthusiasts Marjory Broom, 59, and her husband George, 63, were on board as the first service left the city's Gyle Shopping Centre at 5am today

Mrs Broom, her husband and their son Christopher, 31, were excited to be on the first tram early this morning.

She said: 'We're all tram enthusiasts so we've been following the progress of the trams for some time.

'I thought they were fantastic, absolutely fantastic. It was chock-a-block, and it was a real carnival atmosphere on board with people cheering as the tram set off.'

She added 'We've been on trams all over the world and the tram in Edinburgh today was really, really smooth. It was the first tram and it was standing room only, it was very, very busy.

'I'm really excited we managed to get on - there would have been no buzz being on the second tram.'

Trams will run seven days a week on the new route, which is 8.7 miles long and features 15 stops

Trams will run seven days a week on the new route, which is 8.7 miles long and features 15 stops

The family all travelled on the first tram as it went from the Gyle Shopping Centre to York Place in Edinburgh city centre, before heading out to Edinburgh Airport and then back to the Gyle.

Mr Broom praised the new service, saying: 'The Edinburgh trams, I think they are the best I've been on, they're very very wide and very, very smooth. I think they will be very succesful. We just have to hope they extend the service so it goes down to Leith and possibly even Granton, then it would be a proper network.'

He added: 'It was great to see the trams have finally arrived, it was good to go along Princes Street on the first tram, looking up at Edinburgh Castle with the sun shining.'

Transport bosses are now keeping their fingers crossed that everyone who uses a tram in these first few days and weeks enjoys the experience.

Ian Craig, chief executive of Transport for Edinburgh, said: 'Following many months of preparation for the new service, Transport for Edinburgh is now primed to play a central role in the future success of Edinburgh, moving residents and visitors to where they need to be on a dynamic and fully integrated transport system, utilising tram and bus.'

He added: 'I'm proud of what has been achieved but there's much more to be done. This is a brand new system and, as we start to welcome passengers on board, we'll be keeping a very close eye on the service to make sure our customers get the best possible experience.'


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