Baby elephant chases a playful dog at wildlife park


They are not considered the most likely friends, but this cheeky dog and elephant seem to have found the perfect playmate in each other.

Tourists captured the heartwarming scenes while visiting an elephant nature park in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Onlookers can be heard laughing as the dog barks at the baby elephant as if encouraging it to come and play.

The young animal then begins to chase the mutt, which keeps looking back to ensure the game is continuing.

As the older elephants look on, unperturbed by the dog's presence, the two young friends continue playing their game.

The two animals appear o have an unlikely friendship as they chase each other round at the elephant park

The two animals appear o have an unlikely friendship as they chase each other round at the elephant park

The dog keeps barking at the elephant as if encourage it to join in the chasing game

The dog keeps barking at the elephant as if encourage it to join in the chasing game

At one point the elephant seems to become frustrated by the game, grabbing some grass and tossing it from side to side.

But it soon joins back in, following the dog around as it runs in circles, before eventually returning to the family elders.



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