Las Vegas in danger of running out of water by 2036


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but now the city known for its decadence and glittering nightlife is in danger of grinding to a halt - due to a serious lack of water.

After a 14-year drought, a reservoir which supplies 90 per cent of the Nevada city's water is running dry.

The Strip: Las Vegas is known for its glittering night life but the city's water supplies are running dangerously low

The Strip: Las Vegas is known for its glittering night life but the city's water supplies are running dangerously low

'It's just going to be screwed. And relatively quickly,' climate scientist Tim Barnett, told the Telegraph.

'Unless it can find a way to get more water from somewhere, Las Vegas is out of business.

'Yet they're still building, which is stupid.'


The city relies entirely on a lake created by the Hoover Dam, pictured here

The city relies entirely on a lake created by the Hoover Dam, pictured here

The city relies entirely upon a reservoir created by the iconic Hoover Dam, and now, according to experts the water level is well below half-full.

Due to the population swelling from 400,000 to 2 million since the dam was created in 1936, a massive 4 trillion gallons of water has been drained from the lake.

According to Mr Barnett, as the desert city receives only around 100mm per year, by 2036 the lake will provide no water if nothing is done.

The Southern Nevada Water Authority has called the drought 'every bit as serious as a Hurricane Katrina or a Superstorm Sandy'.

A £480million rescue mission is expected to be finished by the end of next year.

Meanwhile the city's casinos are attempting to improve their water efficiency, with the famous gambling zone, known as The Strip using just seven per cent of the city's water, while accounting for a massive 70 per cent of its economy.


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