Getting a bikini body is main holiday stress for women with one in six starting calorie counting at CHRISTMAS to get in shape for summer


Looking good in a bikini is women's main holiday stress – with one in 10 Brits panicking about their body image more than four months before a break.

One in six women start calorie counting once Christmas is over, and 10 per cent cut down on fatty foods once Easter is out of the way, according to a study.

The summer holiday may be the time Brits look forward to the most, but it seems it's also the biggest cause of stress, according to the Alpro survey of 2,000 UK adults.

Body image: 10% of women cut down on fatty foods after Easter to get in shape for a holiday

Body image: 10% of women cut down on fatty foods after Easter to get in shape for a holiday

One in 20 women said they start dieting as soon as they return home from a previous summer holiday, with 25 per cent saying their main motivation is wanting to look good in holiday photos.

For men, their main reason for getting in shape for a trip abroad was to attract a new partner while away.


And it isn't just weight that worries Brits, one in 20 said their prospect of spending too much time with friends and family was their biggest worry, while one in six admitted to being most scared of the flight. 

A quarter of women said they worried about what to pack, while the same proportion of men are worried about what the weather will bring while they are away.

Photo perfect: Women cited their main reason for losing weight was to look good in holiday snaps

Photo perfect: Women cited their main reason for losing weight was to look good in holiday snaps

For two in five women, the thought of wearing a bikini came top of the list of pre-holiday worries, and more than a fifth of both sexes agreed that getting through the airport was a real source of anguish.

However, despite Brits being keen to get going early, it seems most fail to stick to their pre-holiday eating plans. 

Fewer than one in six of those who try a summer fad diet claimed to hit their weight loss goals, while a fifth ditched their regime within a fortnight. 

Six in 10 failed dieters reported feeling less confident, de-motivated or even depressed as a result of calling it quits.

Alpro dietician, Kate Arthur said: 'While many of us are drawn in by the promise of a 'quick fix' before the summer season, in reality this isn't the way to help you look and feel your best in the long term. 

'It's about shaking up your summer routine to achieve a healthy balance.'



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