Madrid's Boris bikes gets off to racy start as docking station screens hacked


Madrid's version of the London's Boris bikes suffered another blow to their first week in operation when their system was hacked with pornography.

The self-service bike-sharing system only began on June 23 and has been riddled with operational issues, but perhaps the least dignifying glitch came when many users were shown a picture of an erect penis when using the computer touch screens.

The operators of the BiciMad system, Bonopark, have acknowledged the rude intrusion of their system but haven't commented any further.  

On your bike: A man inspects the screens used to hire Madrid's BiciMad bikes that were hacked with porn

On your bike: A man inspects the screens used to hire Madrid's BiciMad bikes that were hacked with porn

Powered up: The electronic bikes have had a debut week fraught with technical problems

Powered up: The electronic bikes have had a debut week fraught with technical problems

While the public has been slow to respond to the new introduction to Madrid's roads, the BiciMad bikes have one up on London's Barclay Cycle Hire - they're electric.

A total of 1,560 bicycles and 3,120 stands across 123 stations have been installed for the booster bikes, which like Boris bikes are available 24/7.


The name BiciMad was among its first dramas - combining bicicleta (bicycle) and Madrid, the local council didn't seem to consider the English for mad.

Price is always going to be a point of contention. Users start with an annual fee of 25 euros (15 for those who subscribe to public transport) and then pay 50 euro cents for the first 30 minutes and 60 additional cents for each half-hour of use. The price rises to 4 euro per hour after that.

While it may seem steep, BiciMad's fees are slightly lower than those in Paris and Barcelona.

New introduction: A regular cyclist inspects some of the 1,560 electric bicycles added to the streets of Madrid

New introduction: A regular cyclist inspects some of the 1,560 electric bicycles added to the streets of Madrid

Full view: Some screens used to hire the bikes were hacked and showed users a picture of an erect penis

Full view: Some screens used to hire the bikes were hacked and showed users a picture of an erect penis


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