K-West hotel introduces world's first E-CIGAR lounge


It has long been a tradition to retire after dinner for whisky and a cigar, but that practice is somewhat extinct due to smoking laws.

Not so at the K-West in London's Shepherds Bush. The hotel has launched the world's first e-cigar room.

Guests are invited to relax in a dedicated cool new lounge area while choosing a Vapestick electronic cigar from a menu. 

Alternative smoking experience: Relax with a martini and a Vapestick

Alternative smoking experience: Relax with a martini and a Vapestick

There are regular tobacco-flavoured ones, extra-long menthol ones and an actual cigar, which looks and tastes like the real thing, only it isn't.

Those with a sweet tooth can plump for a yellow, green, orange or red 'Shisha' Vapestick, with each one tasting of different fruits.


The waitress service room also has music playing from the year 2007, the year the smoking ban came in effect in the UK.

In recent years people have turned to e-cigarettes in the belief that they are healthier than normal cigarettes.

Waitress service: Guests can order drinks and Vapesticks at the same time

Waitress service: Guests can order drinks and Vapesticks at the same time

Sleek bar area: The K-West Hotel in Shepherd's Bush has opened the world's first E-cigar lounge

Sleek bar area: The K-West Hotel in Shepherd's Bush has opened the world's first E-cigar lounge

New bar service: Vapesticks feel and taste just like tobacco cigarettes, but instead of tobacco smoke, they produce a water-based vapour that can come with, or without, nicotine

New bar service: Vapesticks feel and taste just like tobacco cigarettes, but instead of tobacco smoke, they produce a water-based vapour that can come with, or without, nicotine

Sales have rocketed, trebling in three years with more than one in ten smokers admits to using them.

Vapesticks feel and taste just like tobacco cigarettes, but instead of harmful tobacco smoke they produce a water-based vapour that can come with, or without, nicotine.

The industry claims smokers will get the same sensation as with tobacco smoke, with the same physical and visual cues. But they say electronic cigarettes have no tar, no carbon monoxide, no ammonia, no smells, no ash and no second-hand smoke dangers.


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