Ed Stafford: Explorer and survival expert on screaming at baboons, eating snakes and hanging out with hippos


Ed Stafford is certainly a man who likes a challenge.

A former British Army captain, and now a professional explorer, in 2010 he became the first man to walk the full length of the Amazon, following the great South American river from one of its mountainous sources in the Peruvian Andes to its wide estuary in Brazil.

Since then, he has entered the world of television.

Man with a plan: Ed Stafford is tackling eight remote locations as part of his new series of Marooned

Man with a plan: Ed Stafford is tackling eight remote locations as part of his new series of Marooned

Last year, he starred in Naked and Marooned, a far-flung adventure which saw him dropped onto a deserted island in the South Pacific and asked to survive alone for a month with just a video camera – but otherwise unequipped with any essentials. Including clothes.

His latest tussle with unlikely odds is a longer series of Marooned: eight distinct escapades, each of which sees Stafford attempt to get through ten days in some of the world's toughest locations – from the jungles of Venezuela, Thailand and Borneo to the dust of Western Australia and the wild wetlands of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.

And again, he's doing it without a stitch on his body.

Here, he talks to Chris Leadbeater about eating snakes, talking to baboons, steering clear of hippos – and travelling far beyond his comfort zone…

Marooned with Ed Stafford is airing on Sundays at 9pm, on Discovery Channel

Conjuring fire in the Okavango Delta: 'I made two fires and slept between them, so that I would be protected'

Conjuring fire in the Okavango Delta: 'I made two fires and slept between them, so that I would be protected'

In this series of Marooned, you've headed to a pretty diverse range of places, rather than a single island. Did you have any say on where you were going?
No. It was basically a case of: 'You're going to Borneo this week, Botswana the next.' The eight places were picked because they were likely to present different challenges.

Armed and dangerous (though not as dangerous as a hippo): Ed created a basic bow and arrow in Botswana

Armed and dangerous (though not as dangerous as a hippo): Ed created a basic bow and arrow in Botswana

Were you worried about any of the locations? It's quite a scary list…
Well, with Botswana, I thought: 'Hang on, I'll be naked, I won't have tools or a knife, and there'll be elephants and lions.' I wondered if it was too dangerous, if I was being stupid.

But we took local advice – and we were told that the threat from elephants was low, and that there were no lions in the area. It was still the episode where I thought I would be most outside my comfort zone. I don't – or didn't – know Africa at all.

It ended being the easiest of the episodes, because it was slightly forested and shaded, there was enough water, and there was fruit in the trees. It was quite nice, actually. And because it was Africa, there were big animals – hippos that came sniffing around the fire, baboons in the trees. I loved it.


Getting by in Botswana: 'I thought: "Hang on, I won't have tools or a knife, and there'll be elephants and lions".'

Hippos have a reputation for being distinctly unfriendly…
When I arrived in Botswana, I was warned that hippos were the most threatening animals – real killers. And I had hippos investigating my camp. But I carried on filming – and realised that, unless I was doing something really idiotic, I wasn't going to be attacked, and I wasn't in immediate peril.

I never felt that I was in serious danger of losing my life.

I loved the interaction with the animals. I was warned that I shouldn't befriend baboons, because they could turn on me. They can be vicious. So initially, I was screaming at them, to shoo them away. But I ended up loving the fact that I had a troupe of them living above my head in the treetops.

Having animals around, oddly, made me feel less isolated.

Lighting up in Venezuela: 'The survival basics are always the same in terms of priority - water, food, shelter'

Lighting up in Venezuela: 'The survival basics are always the same in terms of priority - water, food, shelter'

So were the other challenges tougher than Africa?
I've done a few episodes in the mountains in this series – Romania [where he was in the Carpathian Mountains], Venezuela, Thailand. Those have been the hardest, because of the terrain and the cold at night. In Venezuela, I was caught out on the first night – I hadn't managed to build a shelter, the rain came, and I had to crack open the blanket from my emergency medical kit. I would have gone down with hypothermia if I hadn't. I thought that Discovery might edit this out, but it's about honesty.

I failed quite dramatically there.

Ed stumbled across a waterfall in Venezuela - meaning one of his survival priorities was in good supply

Ed stumbled across a waterfall in Venezuela - meaning one of his survival priorities was in good supply

Did your experience in the Amazon help you in Venezuela?
Kind of. Venezuela was a familiar environment, so it wasn't overwhelming – I recognised types of vegetation. But I don't think my Amazon trip was a massive help. This series was designed to take me outside my comfort zone. I consider myself a very proficient explorer and expedition leader – but that's with a rucksack, a hammock, a lighter, those sorts of things.

I've had a couple of days with the indigenous people beforehand each time, so I've learned the local way of fire-lighting, about the food they catch, about medicinal plants. It's quite humbling to go to a location and work out how people live, to listen to them.

Wading in: Ed struggled to find much food in a corner of Borneo that is surrounded by deforested areas

Wading in: Ed struggled to find much food in a corner of Borneo that is surrounded by deforested areas

Did any of the locals in any of these places think you were crazy?
All of them! But everyone I've met has been rooting for me. I've had lovely big hugs and wide smiles when I've come back at the end of ten days – because people recognise that, although it may be their back yard, ten days naked with no food, and having to survive, is quite a big thing.

Even if I had just clothes, it would be so much easier. If I had a pair of boots, a pair of trousers, a jacket, I could run around, collect firewood, and generally get started.

But when you're naked, you can't run anywhere. You're incredibly vulnerable.

Toughing it out: Despite the name of the location - Fresh Water Cove - Ed really suffered in Western Australia

Toughing it out: Despite the name of the location - Fresh Water Cove - Ed really suffered in Western Australia

In the Venezuela episode, you have a close encounter with a [highly venomous] Coral snake at the beginning, when you're barefooted. Did that not unnerve you?
Well, it's the sort of situation that I wouldn't have put myself anywhere near a few years ago.

My background is the Army – and that whole strict thing of 'in the jungle, you always wear boots, and you always do this, and you always do that'. But as time goes on, I'm becoming less and less military. It's just a case of being that bit more aware, I suppose – rather than battling against the jungle, it's about trying to be a little more in tune with it.

Are you OK around snakes?
No dramas. In the Amazon, I encountered a couple of massive Anacondas, and loads and loads and loads of venomous snakes. With this series, there have been venomous snakes in most locations, including in northern Thailand, where I ate a couple for lunch one day. It was a case of: 'Right, there's a snake.' I put my foot on the back of its neck – and then had to think what I did next. But it was food.

I don't have a problem with snakes. I'm respectful. The chances of being bitten are very slim, but I'm realistic about the dangers.

Just trying to stay alive: Western Australia 'became an endurance exercise in not eating much and getting by'

Just trying to stay alive: Western Australia 'became an endurance exercise in not eating much and getting by'

Do they, as the cliché goes, taste like chicken?
[Laughs] Yeah, they do actually. It's really boring, but yes, very much like chicken.

The locations in this series are in a range of continents and terrains. Did you have to adapt to each one – or are the basics of survival the same wherever you are?
The basics are the same in terms of priority – water, food, shelter. But the order might be different depending on the cold and the necessity for fire. In Botswana, I knew, because of the big game, that I needed to have a fire going on night one, just for safety. I actually made two fires and slept in between them, so that I would be protected from the animals.

Exiled in Australia: 'I could not have lived there long-term. I wouldn't have been able to sustain myself'

Exiled in Australia: 'I could not have lived there long-term. I wouldn't have been able to sustain myself'

Which of the episodes was the most difficult to get through?
Western Australia. I was up on the Kimberly coast in the north-west, 100 miles from the nearest town. It was a region where aboriginal Australians used to live – but at the time of year that I was there, they would have gone inland, because there's nothing to eat.

It's very dry, very arid. Very difficult.

It was extraordinarily hot, and it became an endurance exercise. I struggled to achieve any sort of comfortable position. In every other episode, by the end of it, I'm pretty much self-sufficient. But in Australia, I had to admit defeat. I got through the ten days, but I could not have lived there long-term.

I wouldn't have been able to sustain myself.

Where else was tough?
Borneo was barren. I was in Brunei, in a location surrounded by deforested areas. So although I was in a pocket of rainforest, there were no animals. Beforehand, the local Iban tribe had shown me how to make a trap for pigs, and one for birds. I barely caught a thing. I mentioned this to the local guys when I came out. And they said: 'Oh, there aren't any animals there anymore.' It was my fault. I hadn't asked whether there would be any animals. I'd asked how to trap pigs and birds. And they'd shown me. But there was nothing. So that was hard. I lost nine kilos on that shoot – virtually a kilo every day.


Wild man of the forest, European version: Ed also ventured into the remote Carpathian Mountains in Romania

Are there any places on your survival bucket list that you'd still like to cover?
So many. I'd love to go to China or Tibet, maybe Kazakhstan – the less accessible places.

This series has gone for relatively obvious locations – the jungle, desert, mountains. But I'm hoping that, as this evolves, I will get to go to some slightly more 'niche' pockets.

Would you do a cold weather location? Northern Canada, for example?
Not naked…

Marooned with Ed Stafford is airing on Sundays at 9pm, on Discovery Channel


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