Liz Clark spends 10 YEARS sailing the world after generous benefactor gave her a yacht


Many of us dream about escaping our everyday lives for something more exotic.

Ten years ago, bartender Liz Clark did just that when she swapped cleaning glasses for sailing around the world.

The 34-year-old left her home in San Diego, California, when she was given a Cal 40 sailboat on the condition that she sail the globe and document her travels. 

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Ten years ago, bartender Liz Clark did just that when she swapped cleaning glasses for sailing around the world

Ten years ago, bartender Liz Clark did just that when she swapped cleaning glasses for sailing around the world

The 34-year-old promised to document her travels on a Cal 40 sailboat after being handed inspiration from a retired professor

The 34-year-old promised to document her travels on a Cal 40 sailboat after being handed inspiration from a retired professor

And for the last decade Liz has been enjoying an idyllic life as she sails alone in a sailboat, travelling about 25,000 nautical miles to date. 

'After I graduated from university, I happened to cross paths with a retired professor, Dr. Arent H. Schuyler, who was looking for someone to sail his boat around the world,' says Liz.

'He was 80 years old at the time and just wanted to help someone else realize his dream.'

Liz, who studied Environmental Studies at the University of California in Santa Barbara, jumped at the chance.

She says: 'At university I learned about all the damage we were doing to the Earth and the unsustainable lifestyles we were leading.

'I looked around me and it seemed like no one was doing anything about it, and I decided that I really didn't want to be a part of it anymore.

'I knew this trip would be everything I loved in one-a simple, eco-friendly lifestyle close to nature, searching for remote uncrowded waves, learning from other cultures, challenging myself physically and mentally, and going on an open-ended adventure.'

Liz, who studied Environmental Studies at the University of California in Santa Barbara, jumped at the chance to discover the world

Liz, who studied Environmental Studies at the University of California in Santa Barbara, jumped at the chance to discover the world

As well as perfect her sailing skills, the ten-year trip has helped Liz perfect her surf-boarding talents

As well as perfect her sailing skills, the ten-year trip has helped Liz perfect her surf-boarding talents

Sailing around the world offers Liz the perfect chance for scenic stop-offs to practise yoga

Sailing around the world offers Liz the perfect chance for scenic stop-offs to practise yoga

After graduating from university, Liz worked as a bartender for three years, before quitting her job when the opportunity to sail around the world arose.

She spent three years preparing for her voyage and learning how to operate the sailboat.

Liz says: 'It was petrifying to leave the safety and security of the dock and my friends and family.

'I didn't know if I would be capable of captaining a boat this big and managing all that goes into a trip where you're off the grid and away from any help - but I knew I had to try or I'd always regret it.

'When I left I didn't know how I'd make money, and I don't come from a wealthy family or anything, like many people assume.

'I was writing blogs the first year and from this I developed a close relationship with Patagonia, an outdoors clothing company - who have been my main financial supporter since the beginning.'

It's often hard work for Liz, as she is photographed here  fixing the anchor in the ground to secure her boat in the eastern South Pacific

It's often hard work for Liz, as she is photographed here  fixing the anchor in the ground to secure her boat in the eastern South Pacific

Liz did make a friend when she visited Tahiti in 2013, and even took the cat on the boat with her

Liz did make a friend when she visited Tahiti in 2013, and even took the cat on the boat with her

Her travels around the world have given Liz memories to treasure forvever, including enjoying herself with the locals in Panama in 2007

Her travels around the world have given Liz memories to treasure forvever, including enjoying herself with the locals in Panama in 2007

Setting off in October 2005, Liz has travelled to a number of exotic destinations, including Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and the Galapagos Islands.

Liz has documented her travels in a series of envy inducing photographs.

She used a timer to take some of the pictures herself, while other photos were taken by locals.

Liz relaxing in the sea
Liz goes diving on ten year trip

Photo shows Liz relaxing in the South Pacific in 2014; the former bartender admits to sometimes becoming lonely, and right, some deep sea diving

There was a prime catch on this trip in the eastern Pacific, but Liz would have wanted to share the meal with somebody 

There was a prime catch on this trip in the eastern Pacific, but Liz would have wanted to share the meal with somebody 

Liz feeds some small sharks whilst on an outer island in the French Polynesia in 2011, during her ten year trip around the world

Liz feeds some small sharks whilst on an outer island in the French Polynesia in 2011, during her ten year trip around the world

Liz's daily routine includes adjusting sails and boat maintenance, as well as surfing, yoga, swimming and sleeping under the stars.

She says: 'People are generally either awed or jealous, others are totally inspired and excited.

'It feels so great to inspire others to live their dreams, but it's impossible to explain to them what this life is really like; how much hard work there is and that it isn't always easy or fun.

'But that's part of living your dreams - it's never easy, but no work is ever as hard when it's part of your dreams and moving you towards your desires.'

The journey throws up daily challenges for Liz, shown here as she battles tough weather in the eastern Pacific in 2008

The journey throws up daily challenges for Liz, shown here as she battles tough weather in the eastern Pacific in 2008

A spectacular selfie shows a huge wave forms int he background in the South Pacific in 2012

A spectacular selfie shows a huge wave forms int he background in the South Pacific in 2012

The trip offered Liz the chance to do some teaching at a school in outer islands French Polynesia, in 2011

The trip offered Liz the chance to do some teaching at a school in outer islands French Polynesia, in 2011

Liz says: 'I get lonely at times and still hope to find a complimentary sailing partner.

'The kindness of strangers wherever I go, along with the remote love and support from family and friends, always fills up that emptiness whenever I feel a void.'

In 2011, the man responsible for Liz's adventure, Dr. Schuyler, died, aged 87.

Liz says: 'He never wanted to be on the boat. He just wanted to help me live my dream and live vicariously through me.

'That's how my blog originally started, because I wanted him to be able to share my experiences.'

With no end to her adventure in sight, Liz's plans to sail to Micronesia and head west, where she will continue her journey around the world.

Liz on a visit to the Marquesas Islands after quitting her life on land for adventures at sea

Liz on a visit to the Marquesas Islands after quitting her life on land for adventures at sea

The intrepid traveller climbing a tree on the Line Islands in the Republic of Kiribati in 2008

The intrepid traveller climbing a tree on the Line Islands in the Republic of Kiribati in 2008

Perfect waves in the South Pacific are taken advantage of by Liz who tests out her talents

Perfect waves in the South Pacific are taken advantage of by Liz who tests out her talents



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