#WishYouWereHere? The most common (and annoying) holiday hashtags revealed... and why people REALLY use them


More than half of people who post pictures of themselves on holiday to social media admit to using hashtags purely to make other people jealous.

New research by an online travel agency in the UK has revealed the most commonly used hashtags by holidaymakers on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook were the cliches #WishYouWereHere and #YOLO (you only live once).

With the most commonly used hashtag being '#holiday', also in the top five are #sun and #beach.

'#tanlines, #YOLO, #sun...' That ought to do it! People post photos with hashtags to make friends envious

'#tanlines, #YOLO, #sun...' That ought to do it! People post photos with hashtags to make friends envious

The most popular hashtags?

1 #holiday: 91%

2 #WishYouWereHere: 57%

3 #YOLO: 44%

4 #sun: 41%

5 #beach: 39%

6 #tanlines: 35%

7 #bikini: 28%

8 #cocktails: 22%

9 #sunshine: 19%

10 #lovinglife: 16%

But only 12 per cent of people said they used hashtags in an attempt to increase followers. 

The majority, 51 per cent, said their postings with hashtags were predominately 'to make people jealous/envious'.

As holidays increasingly become a key time for social media posts and image uploads, online travel agency sunshine.co.uk conducted the research as part of a study into the social media usage of Britons whilst on holiday.

More than 2,000 adults took part in the study, each of whom had been on a holiday abroad in the last 12 months. 

Respondents were asked questions about their social media usage during their break and 42 per cent said that they had updated their social media accounts on their last holiday abroad, with 72 per cent saying that they'd used hashtags on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram in one or more of their posts.

The sunshine.co.uk team also revealed that an average of six hashtags are generally used by social media posters.

Most (65 per cent) respondents said they had used their smartphone to make posts; whilst 20 per cent used an internet cafe and 16 per cent used a tablet device.

Comical? 'That's a good photo, can you add in #cocktails and #beach just in case they don't get it...'

Comical? 'That's a good photo, can you add in #cocktails and #beach just in case they don't get it...'

'To see that so many use hashtags with their holiday statuses to make others jealous is really actually quite comical when you see that #WishYouWereHere is one of the most popular holiday hashtags used,' said Chris Clarkson, managing director of sunshine.co.uk.

'Clearly, they don't wish their followers were there with them and they just want to turn them into green eyed monsters. I thought most people used hashtags to increase the reach of their photos and gain more followers or likes, but that's really not the case.'



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