American ambassador to Switzerland Suzi LeVine criticises ski lift queues


The US Ambassador to Switzerland has caused a furore among Swiss after she made comments on Facebook and Twitter about the 'chaos' she'd experienced the Swiss ski resort of Adelboden.

Suzi LeVine was accused by Swiss tabloid Blick of 'violating diplomatic etiquette' by posting critical comments about the resort on her Facebook page and Twitter feed.

'I'm trying to understand the chaos in the lift lines at Swiss ski resorts,' LeVine wrote after spending New Year's Day in the resort.

The Swiss system of queuing (or not) to get onto lifts came under fire after the US ambassador visited the resort of Adelboden in Switzerland. (File pic shows skiers in Zermatt, Switzerland)

The Swiss system of queuing (or not) to get onto lifts came under fire after the US ambassador visited the resort of Adelboden in Switzerland. (File pic shows skiers in Zermatt, Switzerland)

LeVine: 'Chaos at the ski lifts'

LeVine: 'Chaos at the ski lifts'

She added: 'We enjoyed a great day at Adelboden but I was so puzzled by the scrum heading to the lift (and the inefficiency in terms of how many people were on each lift).'

She also asked her Facebook followers which Swiss resorts were the best organised, and wrote: 'Is there an optimal way to navigate the line?'

On Twitter she asked people to share their ski lift experiences

Blick said the ambassador's remarks were an attack on Switzerland's winter tourism and suggested that her comments could lead to a full scale diplomatic row, contacting Switzerland Tourism director Jürg Schmid to ask for his reaction.

Schmid duly commented: 'I talked to the ambassador and advised her to wait until the end of the season before drawing a final conclusion about the organization of Swiss ski resorts.'

He also added that the Swiss ski resorts were 'not elitist', unlike in the US.

Blick said LeVine, 42, had made matters worse by trying to 'round up criticism' about Switzerland by asking readers to share their lift line experiences, good, bad or indifferent, although she did not restrict the issue to Swiss resorts.  

'Ambassadors tell their governments about their host country in secret dispatches,' the German-language tabloid wrote, adding that they should not 'snub' the country in public.

The ambassador and the head of tourism then tweeted each other about the issue.

Jürg Schmid wrote, 'Thanks for skiing in #Switzerland. Yesterday was busiest day of season. Rest of the season will be different - check it out.' to which LeVine replied, 'Schmid I'm looking forward to checking it out A LOT! :-)'

LeVine, contacted by Blick, admitted that she did not know whether the ski lift criticism was appropriate for a US ambassador, but she told the newspaper she believed that using social media was a suitable forum for dialogue on such matters.

View onto the resort of Adelboden, Switzerland, where American ambassador LeVine skiied at New Year

View onto the resort of Adelboden, Switzerland, where American ambassador LeVine skiied at New Year

The issue certainly prompted much debate, including readers who said it was 'perfectly reasonable to ask why this is tolerated in a civilized society'.

An comment from 'Radders' left on a Swiss newspaper website read: 'It's not arrogant or ignorant it's simply true - the queues for ski lifts can become quite nasty especially at the height of the season when there's not much snow around. There's never really any "British" style queuing at any ski resorts. Why shouldn't diplomats be allowed to express an opinion about a leisure activity?'

Others said if she'd had an opinion to express on operational efficiency it would have been better to have addressed the staff at the resort. 

The Twittersphere also erupted with people leaping in to comment on her very public criticism.

After her tweet, 'Ich habe eine frage [I have a question]: I'm trying to understand the chaos in the lift lines at Swiss ski resorts' User Kurt Rustem tweeted, 'I'm trying to understand the chaos your government is producing around the world.'

LeVine subsequently posted a positive post:

'I had a great day of skiing @ Adelboden & am looking forward 2 more there & across the country. Simply seeking advice on the experience.'

Facebook user Anton Kohler's tongue in cheek comment may well have raised a smile among those following the spat: 'The queue at a Swiss ski lift is not much worse than the line before the immigration at JFK-Airport New York.'






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