Security guards in Inverness monitoring Christmas tree to ensure it does not burst into song


Security guards are keeping a new festive vigil to ensure a singing Christmas tree does not randomly burst into song.

The officers' 'Silent Night' duty started after the attraction upset a handful of guests at a nearby hotel by chirping out merry festive songs in the early hours of the morning.

Engineers have now been asked to re-time the mechanism, which should have switched off at 11pm, but security staff have also been briefed to keep a watch on it in case of further problems.

Guests at the Royal Highland Hotel were woken up on November 25 to a singing Christmas tree at a nearby shopping centre

Guests at the Royal Highland Hotel were woken up on November 25 to a singing Christmas tree at a nearby shopping centre

The attraction was installed at the Eastgate Shopping Centre in Inverness, Scotland, on Sunday.

However, on Tuesday people staying at the Royal Highland Hotel had the most festive of rude awakenings.

'The tree did appear to trip on Tuesday morning for some reason,' centre manager Jackie Cuddy acknowledged.

'We have 24-hour security and in the case of any problems people can just phone them. I've now asked them to keep an eye on the tree to make sure it does switch off when it should.'

The disruptive singing tree has since been re-wired to ensure it will not go off again in the middle of the night.
Along with security guards, the Royal Highland Hotel's regional manager is also keeping an eye on the tree.

Since then, the tree (left) has been re-wired and security guards have been assigned to watch over it. The hotel manager (right) insists, however, that the hotel does not want the tree to be taken down

The tree plays classic festive music timed to synchronise with its lights.

The lights are being re-timed to switch on at 6.30am and off at 11pm, with the music running from 8am to 8pm.

Ms Cuddy said the tree, brought in for the first time last year, has proved a hit with families.

'The children absolutely love it because of its singing and of its lights,' she added.

The Royal Highland's regional manager Indranil Banerjee played down the affect of the over-exuberant tree saying no guests were moved to different rooms during the night because the hotel was full.

However, arrangements were made the next day for anyone who complained. Mr Banerjee explained: 'We had a few complaints from a few residents with rooms facing onto the square.

'Jackie rang me in the morning very apologetic and the tree has been set to more suitable timings.

'We like the Christmas tree. It certainly brings a bit of Christmas spirit and music to the city centre and would not want to see it go.'


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