Man jumps from a plane WITHOUT a parachute and lands on a trampoline


It's a seemingly death-defying stunt that has raised eyebrows over the internet.

A man known only as Travis is filmed jumping out of a plane from 9,000ft and free-falling to the ground - without a parachute.

What's more in the incredibly realistic footage, the thrillseeker flies through a hole in the roof of a building, and lands safely on a trampoline - to the applause of those waiting for him.  

The skydiver, named only as Travis, is seen jumping out of the plane with no parachute, but is it a fake?

The skydiver, named only as Travis, is seen jumping out of the plane with no parachute, but is it a fake?

However, it's revealed that the video, which has gone viral since it was posted online just two days ago, is a stunt for a new trampoline park in the US.

In the footage, a presenter explains that Travis will jump out of the plane without a parachute, fall through a three-by-five metre opening in the top of a roof, and land onto a trampoline.

'It's crazy, but we're going to do it,' he says.

It is claimed that there are two things which make the highly implausible stunt possible: the reinforced trampolines that will absorb the impact from the jump, and a 'revolutionary' geomagnetic positioning system which Travis will wear on his belt.

As the jumper reaches just under 300 feet, the target area  - a hole in the roof of a building becomes clear

As the jumper reaches just under 300 feet, the target area  - a hole in the roof of a building becomes clear

The end of the video reveals that the skydiver, known as Travis, has safely landed onto a trampoline

The end of the video reveals that the skydiver, known as Travis, has safely landed onto a trampoline

'The natural magnetism of the Earth and the magnet that we are attaching to Travis have a natural reaction to one another,' claims one of the stunt engineers featured in the video, adding that they will be able to steer Travis through the skyline exactly down onto the trampoline.

'We don't have a margin for error,' says the narrator. If Travis makes a mistake on this, it's catastrophic.'

As the plane ascends, the team on the ground watch its progress on a computer screen. As tension mounts Travis yells: 'I'm throwing myself out of an aeroplane with no parachute!'

The door opens and Travis and a female jumper, who is allegedly filming the stunt, hurl themselves out of the plane. 

The end of the video shows a crowd triumphantly cheering the success of the largely unbelievable stunt

The end of the video shows a crowd triumphantly cheering the success of the largely unbelievable stunt

Intensity grows as Travis flies full throttle towards the building, and reaches fever pitch as he plummets towards the opening in the top of it.

'I see it, I see it, I got it, I got it,' he shouts, before the screen goes blank and an error message appears saying 'Connection Lost'.

The video ends triumphantly as the camera pans out to reveal a crowd cheering, as it is revealed the stunt has been pulled off. 

However, online critics have pointed out that it is unusual that the skydiver's voice seems unaffected by the G-force, and the science behind the stunt is somewhat farcical.

It has also been suggested that the video is in fact a marketing ploy of the brand new Factor6 trampoline park in New Orleans.





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