Flight attendant performs Lorde's 'Royals' for passengers at 30,000ft


Passengers were soothed on board a US flight when one of the cabin crew sang and played the guitar to a chart-topping hit.

Robynn Shayne entertained those on board an unidentified flight with her performance of Lorde's mega-hit 'Royals,' showing off her excellent vocals and all-round musical talent.

It not only provided the passengers with a welcome with a difference, but also offered Ms Shayne an opportunity to take some time out of her hectic day job. 

Ms Shayne's co-worker Nick Stracener said: 'On a lovely winter day I came across Robynn who I noticed was carrying a guitar with her on our trip. 

'I then asked her if she played and she said she loves to play and sing. 

'Then this happened. Let's get this video viral for her and get her a record deal. Maybe you'll see Robynn Shayne on your next flight.'

Robynn Shayne
Robynn Shayne

Robynn Shayne showed off her talent to airline passengers with a super performance of Lorde's 'Royals'

Ms Shayne performs when away from work, hosting a number of shows in her home city of Austin, Texas. 

She also has a self-titled EP out, which is dedicated to her brother Shane who died in 1996.

On her homepage, she writes: 'I would like to thank my family and friends who have supported me through this journey. 

'I would also like to thank my producers and musicians........your countless hours and hard work have helped make my dream a reality.' 

More of Robynn Shayne's music can be found at http://ift.tt/1Fw5g07 and her website, http://ift.tt/1y4Z8gt







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