Northern Portugal breaks: Golf, port and luxury in a rustic wonderland


To lose one ball off the tee, as Lady Bracknell did not quite say, may be regarded as misfortune; to lose two looks like carelessness. But four from four drives on one hole? That's humiliation.

And it's exactly what happened to my friend Hugh and me on the 17th hole at Vidago Palace Hotel golf course, in northern Portugal.

A city of style and charm: Porto, with the River Douro at its heart, has a curious Englishness to it

A city of style and charm: Porto, with the River Douro at its heart, has a curious Englishness to it

We had already embarrassed ourselves by turning up 25 minutes late for our round.

It got worse. The course was magnificent, but way too difficult for us, and it started to take its toll psychologically.

Around the 11th, we convinced ourselves that we had broken our electric buggy. In a panic, we summoned a green-keeper to rescue us. He pointed out that we had put the engine in neutral, so it was no surprise it wasn't moving forward.


By the time we trudged back to the clubhouse, having run out of balls, the groundsmen were smiling at us in the way one might at delinquent children.

Good people, the northern Portuguese.

Tolerant, I would say and their government and tourist boards seem eager to encourage visitors, even if they overdo the mantra about how 'there's more to Portugal than the Algarve'.

Staff at the Vidago Palace are charming, though not unctuous.

The Palace looks like a mini-Versailles in pink. It was built for the last king of Portugal, Manuel II, only for him to be deposed the day before it opened in 1910.

But recently it was bought up by Unicer, Portugal's leading beer and bottled water company, and completely revamped - although it is not too luxurious.

Guests are well looked after, not unnecessarily pampered.

After the golf disaster, we visited the local Quinta de Arcosso winery. 'There are two great wine nations on the Earth,' the owner, Amilcar Salgado, told us. 'Portugal and, er, France.'

Then he showed us around, and plied us with his alcohol. He also informed us, excitedly, that the last person he had shown around his vineyard was the actress Anna Friel.

'Very beautiful,' he said. 'She like the wine very much.'

Anna Friel

Glamorous: Northern Portugal has splendid golf courses, and also attracts celebrities such as Anna Friel

Amilcar repeatedly told us, as they filled and refilled our glasses, how expensive the wines would be if you bought them in London.

'I feel a sales pitch coming on,' whispered Hugh. At the end of the tour, however, Amilcar simply handed us a free bottle of his best red, shook our hands, and wished us well.

We felt ashamed that we had been so cynical.

That evening, we went to Chaves, an ancient Roman town, just 13 miles or so south of the Spanish border. It had a typical Latin local vibe: attractive young people on their motorbikes; small children staying up late; moustachioed men watching football in bars.

Near the arched Trajano bridge, we found a taverna that had cobbled floors and tatty chairs. We settled in. In the corner, a 12-piece brass band knocked out some folksy Hispanic numbers. A group of elderly couples did a conga round the room. Luckily nobody asked us to join in.

For all the rustic feel-goodery, we had to do what Englishmen are meant to do in northern Portugal, and that is drink port.

On our last day, we checked out of Vidago, and drove an hour to Porto to meet Johnny and Caroline Graham, a delightful English couple who run a port and wine business called Churchill's.

Johnny served us several first-rate ports, told us about the history of English families in the trade, and showed us the magnificent view of the Douro river from his office. We drank it all in.

Caroline told us that the expat community here had diminished in recent years, and I'm sure she's right. Nevertheless, she took us to the Oporto Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club, which still has an exquisitely Anglo atmosphere. Red-faced people drinking tea and eating thin sandwiches.

On the cricket pitch, a gloriously amateurish match between the 'Honkey-Tonks' and the 'Mavericks' was being played out. We sat under the hot sun and mused that, there are still some places, which feel more English than England.

Travel Facts: Plan your own weekend in Porto

British Airways (0844 493 0787, flies to Porto from £134 return.

Double rooms at the Vidago Palace Hotel (00351 276 990 920, start at £112 per night B&B.


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