Families to fork out £1.56billion in massive school summer holiday spending spree


British parents will spend a massive £1.56billion on expensive day trips, theme park visits and meals out  this summer, according to a poll.

And over half of parents admit the cost of keeping their children entertained keeps them awake at night.

While Almost a third of savvy Brits have already started saving to pay for activities throughout the six week break, almost one in 10 admit to putting the cost of expensive trips on a credit card.

Summer spending: Parents set to splash out an estimated £1.56billion to keep their family entertained

Summer spending: Parents set to splash out an estimated £1.56billion to keep their family entertained

Meanwhile, 33 per cent confessed they didn't know how they would be able to afford the activities they had planned for the summer break and 17 per cent expressed concerns about covering childcare costs.


Visiting theme parks, such as Legoland in Windsor, pictured, is a favourite activity among children

Visiting theme parks, such as Legoland in Windsor, pictured, is a favourite activity among children

According to the research, by VoucherCodes.co.uk, parents living in Wrexham are set to spend the most money during the school holidays, but are also the savviest with 43 per cent of people surveyed saying they'll use vouchers to make trips more affordable.

Second on the list of big spenders are families from Liverpool, with Londoners in third place.

Those from the capital are also the most likely to turn to credit cards to enable them to afford the school holidays.

Anita Naik, lifestyle editor of VoucherCodes.co.uk, said: 'Move over Christmas, the school summer holidays are now proving just as costly for British families with an estimated £1.56bn to be spent keeping the kids entertained.

'It's worth checking out the range of discounts available before days out as there are a always a number of money-off deals on offer, from family theme park and cinema discounts to reduced travel fares, so parents can enjoy quality time with the kids without breaking the bank.'

The research also quizzed kids about their favourite activities to take part in this summer.

Although visiting theme parks and going to the cinema remain firm favourites, parents should not feel pressured into splashing the cash.

Many children also rate cheaper activities such as day trips to the park and arts and crafts, highly, with these activities making their top five.


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