Swimmers set to brave the daunting Atlantic in 60-mile charity trek


A group of intrepid swimmers from the Outer Hebrides today began their bid to become the first to swim 60 miles to St Kilda from the Isle of Harris.

The team were held-up by the weather and had to to delay their expected start on Saturday until today.

No one has ever attempted the daunting challenge across such fearsome Atlantic seas before.

Taking the plunge: The fearsome swimmers are doing it all in the aid of charity

Taking the plunge: The fearsome swimmers are doing it all in the aid of charity

The feat is estimated to take around 50 hours, with a team of nine swimming in relay, accompanied by three kayakers and a support boat.

Because of the tide and currents, the swimmers could cover up to 90 miles.

The St Kilda Swim is raising funds to support three charities: Yorkhill Children's Charity in Glasgow, The Leanne Fund based in the Highlands and Islands and The Fishermen's Mission.

St Kilda is 41 miles west of Benbecula, 112 miles from the Scottish mainland and is a double world heritage site.

Starting point: The swim will see the participants enter the murky unknown of the Atlantic as they set of from St Kilda

Starting point: The swim will see the participants enter the murky unknown of the Atlantic as they set of from St Kilda

Many of The St Kilda Swim team were part of a group that swam from Ullapool in Wester Ross to Stornoway in the Isle of Lewis in 2012 - a distance of 50 miles which they completed in 34 hours.
Almost £23,500 was raised for the RNLI.

For more information about The St Kilda Swim, visit http://ift.tt/Tuj0qR


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