In pictures: Buddhist festival brings Himalayan village to life with colourful show


A quiet Himalayan mountain village springs to life for a colourful Buddhist festival designed to expel evil spirits and bring happiness.

The annual Torgya Festival in Tawang, in north-eastern India, is full of colourful dancing, music and theatre.

The three day festival is held in the courtyard of the Tawang monastery, which is nestled on top of the hill overlooking the town.

Caught on film: Dancer twirls around at the little-known Torgya Festival in Tawang

Caught on film: Dancer twirls around at the little-known Torgya Festival in Tawang

Money talks: A performer represents greed for money at the annual Torgya Festival in Tawang, in north-eastern India

Money talks: A performer represents greed for money at the annual Torgya Festival in Tawang, in north-eastern India

Masked dancers: Five monks perform in brightly coloured robes and traditional Buddhist headpieces

Masked dancers: Five monks perform in brightly coloured robes and traditional Buddhist headpieces

The vibrant event was attended by Australian photographers Stephen Axford and Catherine Marciniak.

'There is nowhere on the planet as rich in ancient cultures as northeast India,' says Stephen, 62, of Melbourne.

'We woke to the sound of a drum echoing through the landscape, before joining local villagers and pilgrims.'


Guests at the festival, which took place on January 29th, 30th and 31st, gather in the main square of the monastery wearing their finest clothes.

Monks dressed in colourful robes and traditional Buddhist masks carry out performances that involve chanting, dancing and acting.

Captivated: Young monks enjoying themselves at the annual Torgya Festival in Tawang

Captivated: Young monks enjoying themselves at the annual Torgya Festival in Tawang

Watching on: Masked performers sit on the edge of the performance ring

Watching on: Masked performers sit on the edge of the performance ring

Expelling evil spirits: Skeleton men burn the Zor (an effigy) at the end of their performance

Expelling evil spirits: Skeleton men burn the Zor (an effigy) at the end of their performance

'There were markets selling everything from food to textiles, and cheap Chinese toy guns bought by doting parents for young sons who were studying to become monks,' explains Steve.

'The whole festival attracts people from many miles around.

'Some people will walk for many days to get there and come from as far away as Tibet and Bhutan.

Amazing occasion: Each year the village bursts to life with dance and music

Amazing occasion: Each year the village bursts to life with dance and music

An old lady stands is dressed for the occasion in the courtyard of a monastery

An old lady stands is dressed for the occasion in the courtyard of a monastery

Perched on top of a mountain: Locals gather at the annual event which is held in the courtyard of the monastery in the small town of Tawang

Perched on top of a mountain: Locals gather at the annual event which is held in the courtyard of the monastery in the small town of Tawang

The grand finale: A dancer wears a skeleton costume which represents the transitory nature of human existence

The grand finale: A dancer wears a skeleton costume which represents the transitory nature of human existence

'Over the course of the three days, the music, dancing and chanting combine to chase out evil spirits, help the crops thrive, usher in prosperity and happiness for the people.'

The Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, home to Tawang village, sits between Burma and Bhutan and below Tibet.

Stephen says: 'It was certainly very exciting. We spent three full days there and were never bored.'

Stunning colour: The prayer room at the Tawang Monastry is full of amazing decoration and bright green drums

Stunning colour: The prayer room at the Tawang Monastry is full of amazing decoration and bright green drums

Early riser: The first sacred dance of the day starts at dawn at the annual Torgya Festival in Tawang

Early riser: The first sacred dance of the day starts at dawn at the annual Torgya Festival in Tawang

Traditional music: Horn players play in the late afternoon sun as day three of the sacred dance builds to the finale

Traditional music: Horn players play in the late afternoon sun as day three of the sacred dance builds to the finale

Packed house: Crowds gather in the village to watch the performers during the annual Torgya Festival

Packed house: Crowds gather in the village to watch the performers during the annual Torgya Festival


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