Two thirds of high-earning parents were taken out of school for family holidays (and 74% would do the same with their children)


Two third of high-earning parents went on family holidays during term time as children and claim it had no impact on their education, according to a survey.

More than 80 per cent of Brits also admit to taking their kids out of school for a trip abroad before new legislation and fines were brought it.

And 74 per cent of these said they would still take their children away during term-time and risk a penalty.

Family break: High-earning parents said term-time holidays had no impact on their careers

Family break: High-earning parents said term-time holidays had no impact on their careers

More than 2,200 parents earning £60,000 a year were questioned by, asked whether they were ever taken out of school during term-time for a holiday, to which 67 per cent said yes. 

More than 90 per cent of these said it had had 'little, to no impact' on their careers.

The survey also found Brits with children in primary school were more likely to book a term-time holiday than those with children of secondary school age.  

Those who stated that they would take their children out of school during term time for a family holiday were asked to state why they thought it would be OK to do so. 

Some 42 per cent said they 'didn't feel the child would miss out on much from being out of school for one or two weeks'.

While 41 per cent admitted it was because 'holidays are much cheaper during term time than during the school holidays'.

Term-time holidays: Parents are more likely to take primary school-aged children out of lessons for a break

Term-time holidays: Parents are more likely to take primary school-aged children out of lessons for a break

When asked if they would pay the fine for taking their child out of school, 61 per cent of the relevant respondents said that they would appeal the fine, with 31 per cent saying they would refused to pay the fine, and just eight per cent saying they would pay it.

George Charles, spokesman, said: Taking children out of school during term time for a family holiday is a big no-no these days. 

'The research undertaken stipulated respondents had to earn a minimum of £60,000 per year purely because we wanted to find out if it's possible to have a high-paying job even if your parents took you out of school for a week or two for a family holiday.

'Holidays are expensive at the best of times, with travel agencies taking advantage of families by increasing their prices during school holidays when they know most families are going to be booking to go away.

'It's not fair that they can do this and I completely understand why parents are taking their children out of school during term time to save themselves a couple of hundred pounds. 

'Parents can't really win whatever they do!'


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