This is how Disneyland was supposed to look: Rare pitch document designed by Walt revealed


This is the unsuccessful pitch document drawn up in 1953 by two brothers, Roy and Walt Disney, as they pitched the idea for Disneyland to three New York banks.

The amazing picture has been released by website Boing Boing and is so rare, Disney doesn't even have a copy in its archives.

While Disneyland is an icon now, back in the Fifties, the brothers were pitching it as 'a new experience in entertainment'.

Enlarge   Rare: The pitch document dates back to 1953 and there are only three copies in the world, of which non are on display or archived

Rare: The pitch document dates back to 1953 and there are only three copies in the world, of which non are on display or archived

Sketch: The drawing picks out the different areas that Walt had imagined for Disneyland

Sketch: The drawing picks out the different areas that Walt had imagined for Disneyland

The rare nine-page brochure includes a colour sketch of the different areas of the theme park and outlines the ideas the brothers had to make money out of the attraction.

Even back then, Walt write eagerly about the idea of 'merchantainment', a word coined by Walt to explain how the site would make money from shopping.

While Disneyland today certainly relies of selling to visitors, the products are somewhat different to the original plans.

The brochure talks about how people will be able to buy 'magnificently plumed birds and fantastic fish from all over the world.'

They had a dream: Walt Disney (L) and his brother Roy (R) came up with the idea for the theme park

They had a dream: Walt Disney (L) and his brother Roy (R) came up with the idea for the theme park

Children would be able to pick up 'scientific toys, chemical sets and model kits' and even space helmets.

The brochure also talks about the entertainment that would be available, including 'slidewalks' and a Lilliputian Land, where 'mechanical people nine inches high sing and dance and talk to you.'


According to the website Boing Boing, the document was provided by an 'anonymous benefactor'.

There are only three sets of pitch documents produced by the Disney brothers and none are held by the Disney family or available to go on display.

Fairytale: Modern Disneyland is quite different to the shopping destination Walt first imagined

Fairytale: Modern Disneyland is quite different to the shopping destination Walt first imagined

The main picture was put together by Walt and legendary designer Herb Ryman, depicting the different zones in Disneyland, from True-Life Adventureland to Tomorrowland.

The following eight pages were a sales document used for an unsuccessful pitch to three New York banks for funding.

The pitch document quotes Walt Disney saying: 'The idea of Disneyland is a simple one It will be a place for people to find happiness and knowledge'.


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