The ten types of holidaymaker revealed but which one are you?


We're all going on a summer holiday. So sang Cliff Richard.

But Cliff was wrong.

Because we aren't ALL doing anything – and we certainly aren't doing anything as personal and each-to-their-own as taking a holiday together.

When it comes to travel, we all like different things. So much so that, according to a study by website, there are ten distinct types of holidaymaker.

The question then, is which one are you? From the Bargain Hunter to the Money-No-Object via the Culture Vulture and the Socks-and-Sandals Stalwart, we explain the character traits that – when it comes to a fortnight on foreign shores – define us all.

Holiday types
Socks and sandals

The Organiser: So it's 2.15pm at the waterslides, 3.07pm at the sunbeds, 4.45pm for the first cocktail of the evening. Don't be late. The Socks-and-Sandals Stalwart: Dedicated to the art of unusual tan-lines since 1947

The Organiser

This never-knowingly relaxed character treats every holiday like a military exercise. That means getting up at an unfeasibly early hour to grab the best sunbeds, and knowing the precise minute when they need to leave the pool to be first in line for the dinner queue.

For the Organiser, a holiday should be fun. But it must be organised fun. Disorder causes stress, and holidays should be stress-free. So here's the itinerary, printed out in duplicate. Don't lose it unless you want to see a grown man (or woman, but it's usually a man) cry.


The Socks-and-Sandals Stalwart

Usually older, the Socks-and-Sandals Stalwart loves the outdoors.

However the outdoors does not love them.

Instantly recognisable, they have become synonymous with the type of tourist who knows what they like. And what they like is a tan-line where there should never be a tan-line.

Holiday types
Holiday types

The Sun Worshipper: Desperately soaking up all the solar radiation they can get their hands on; not a huge fan of Factor 30. The Honeymooners: On the lounger and in the room next to you. Until she checks his phone, that is

The Sun Worshipper

Back in pre-Spanish Mexico, the Aztecs were partial to treating the sun as a great and powerful god – and for this holidaymaker, there is no reason to feel any different.

Not that they are necessarily thinking about Tonatiuh (the Aztec sun god, silly). They are thinking about how many hours they can manage on the beach before the hot orange thing disappears over the horizon, or before their skin falls off. Whichever comes first.

The Honeymooner

Honeymooners are among the easiest holidaymakers to spot.

They spend their hours cuddling up to their freshly-hitched beloved and staring doe-eyed at them over dinner. Or arguing for Britain because they've just discovered amorous texts from their bridesmaid all over the groom's phone. Someone call the tabloids.

Holiday types
Holiday types

The All-Inclusive: You will know them by their determination to eat as much food as possible before the buffet is cleared away. The Adventurers: No, not here, darling. This says we're still within 500 miles of a Starbucks

The All-Inclusive

For this intrepid traveller, it's all about what's in. And absolutely not about what's out.

As in 'what's in my cocktail glass, and is it free?' If the answers are 'some alcohol and a paper umbrella', and 'yes sir, would you like another?', then all is well with the world.

If not, then expect a sucking of teeth and a detailed checking of the booking smallprint.

Also expect to see the All-Inclusive hanging around the breakfast buffet, stuffing extra croissants into a napkin. Well, they're only going to throw them away, aren't they?

The Adventurer

For this hardy traveller, there is no such thing as standing still.

If you are standing still, it isn't a holiday. If you are not looking at something new that you haven't seen before, it isn't a holiday. If you haven't travelled 500 miles in the first morning of your holiday, then it isn't an, erm, holiday. If there are other people taking photos of the thing you are looking at, then it isn't special and rare enough, and it isn't a holiday. No dear, it isn't.

Mrs Adventurer would quite like to hang out with Mrs Sun Worshipper and talk about the Aztecs, but Mr Adventurer says that that isn't a holiday either.

Holiday types
Holiday types

The Bargain Hunter: It doesn't matter if the heating's broken and I have to wear my coat indoors, it's only 40 quid a night. The Culture Vultures: Their holiday photos are undoubtedly better than yours. Have you seen them?

The Bargain Hunter

Unexciting hotel with very low prices? Check. Even if it's quite near the airport, and not very near the beach? Check. Even if it's so close to the runway that you can hear pilots talking, as well as the roaring of engines? Check. But look, the price includes a breakfast of stale two-day-old bread rolls, and it's only three buses into town, so it's quite nice, really.

The Culture Vulture

Good things: Museums, art galleries, opera houses, churches, little cafes where they serve infinitesimally small coffees and the waiters only speak Italian/Spanish/Aramaic.

Bad things: Any locations where you will find the Sun Worshipper, the All Inclusive or the Bargain Hunter. Unless the Bargain Hunter has tracked down this back-street art store where they sell stuff by this local guy who's just as good as Matisse, really. No, better.

Holiday types
Holiday types

The Old Reliables: Same destination, same restaurant, same lack of conversation and creeping sense of despair. The Money-No-Objects: Oh lord, darling, I can see some poor people from here. Should I call security?

The Old Reliable

The Old Reliable is the most predictable type of holidaymaker. It's the same place every year, the same hotel, the same restaurants.

The OR lives by the mantra: 'If it ain't broke don't fix it'. And if it is broke, well, we can make the best of it. Because CHANGE IS BAD and should not be allowed to happen. Ever.

The Money-No-Object

You will know the M-N-O when you see them – mainly because they will be arriving by private jet at the VIP terminal. Where's the VIP terminal? It's over there on the far side of the airfield from where your charter flight has just landed. You can't see it? Oh. Shame.

The M-N-O will not be staying at your hotel. They own that hotel.

The M-N-O is staying on their own private island in the middle of the bay. If you land your dinghy or pedalo on its private beach, they will release the dogs. All of them.


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