The jellyfish repellant suncream that prevents stings


As experts have warned holidaymakers that an invasion of giant jellyfish is set to hit our coastline this summer, one product is promoting its jelly-repelling properties.

A special suncream has been developed which claims to use four different anti-jellyfish formulas meaning that swimmers can be in the water with jellyfish, and even brush past them, without being stung.

The Lifesystems' Active Sun Cream includes a mixture of protein and sugar, which is similar to the substance found in a jellyfish, meaning that if it brushes past a swimmer it will simply think it is touching itself and won't release a sting.

Invasion: Barrel jellyfish have been spotted in large numbers off the coast of Devon and Cornwall

Invasion: Barrel jellyfish have been spotted in large numbers off the coast of Devon and Cornwall

The thick cream also provide a layers of protection over the skin, meaning it is hard for the jellyfish to make contact with bare skin.

And in the event that the jellyfish does realise it needs to sting, there are further substances to try and prevent that happening.

Taking the sting out of a holiday: The anti-jellyfish suncream

Taking the sting out of a holiday: The anti-jellyfish suncream

An extract of plankton is included in the cream, which is said to help block a jellyfish's sting sensor, meaning it can't send a message to fire a sting to the swimmer.

And the cream itself is supposed to act as a barrier, making it harder for the jellyfish to find bare skin to sting.

The cream, which is available in SPF 25 and 40, will be useful to holidaymakers hitting the British coast this summer, particularly following warnings that there will be more jellyfish in the water due to mild weather and higher sea temperatures.

There are have been warnings of hundreds of giant barrel jellyfish spotted off the coast of Devon and Cornwall.

And a rambler also reported a dustbin-lid-shaped, 4ft long barrel jellyfish swimming half a mile up the Helford river estuary in Cornwall.

The harmless jellyfish are often spotted away from the southern and western shores of the British Isles, but warm weather could mean they are washed up on our beaches this summer.

Richard Harrington of the Marine Conservation Society said: 'Half a mile up an estuary is not too far as they are relatively strong swimmers, but it was more likely carried in then out again by the tide.

'This type of jellyfish is a regular visitor to the UK, although we've had reports of some very big ones this year.

'This is the only species of jellyfish that can live for more than one season, so these larger jellyfish are probably adults who have survived through the mild winter.'

'Invasion': A string of barrel jellyfish sightings has been reported on a beach in Portland, Dorset. Above, wildlife photographer Steve Trewhella poses with the enormous creature, measuring 3ft in diameter

'Invasion': A string of barrel jellyfish sightings has been reported on a beach in Portland, Dorset. Above, wildlife photographer Steve Trewhella poses with the enormous creature, measuring 3ft in diameter


They look like something from a horror film, but barrel jellyfish are the 'basking shark' of their species - enormous but harmless, feeding only on miniscule prey.

Often they are spotted from boats in the deeper waters of the English Channel, the Irish Sea and off the Outer Hebrides.

But it is rare for them to swim closer to the coast or inland, which is why recent sightings have made headlines.

And when the seas warm up in summer and autumn they breed at a phenomenal rate, creating huge swarms.

Beneath the dustbin lid-shaped bell are hundreds of tiny mouths ('pores'), each surrounded by tiny stinging tentacles to catch plankton.

The stings, however, are not strong enough to harm humans.

Source: Marine Conservation Society

The sighting comes days after several of the jellyfish washed up on beaches near Portland, Dorset.

Wildlife photographer Steve Trewhella, who picked up one of the animals, said: 'I think we will see more strandings because of the on-shore winds and the tides, but people should be careful not to touch them.'

The barrel jellyfish, Latin name rhizostoma pulmo, is not thought to be dangerous to humans.

Even so, beachgoers are advised not to touch any jellyfish in case they chance upon a species with a powerful sting.

Red Cross guidance says sting victims should not use urine to relieve the pain of a sting - because vinegar is far more effective.

While barrel jellyfish are thought to be harmless, there are fears warm weather could cause other jeelyfish to become stranded on British beaches.

Last year, prolonged warm weather saw increased reports of jellyfish, including the harmful Lions Mane, which possesses one of the most painful stings in British waters.

A deadly Portuguese Man of War was also spotted off the coast of Cornwall last summer, due to the warmer weather.

Large: The sighting came days after this barrel jellyfish washed up on a beach in Portland, Dorset

Large: The sighting came days after this barrel jellyfish washed up on a beach in Portland, Dorset


Working out where jellyfish will swarm is a tricky business, but tourists will soon have a helping hand - from the Force, no less.

Marine biologists have launched a website called JeDI (Jellyfish Data Initiative) which maps swarms of the creatures and allows tourists to check their location.

In future, it could have a weather forecast-like feature to help people avoid getting stung.

The site draws on almost half a million sets of data on how many jellyfish there are in the uppermost 200 metres of the world's seas.

It was created amid warnings that large numbers of the creatures can cause fish stocks to plummet.

The scientists found the greatest concentrations of jellyfish were in the mid latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, partly due to high levels of oxygen in the North Atlantic.

Dr Cathy Lucas, a marine biologist from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, said: 'People will be able to contribute their own data... It will be like a jellyfish version of Google Maps.

'We haven't got a weather forecast feature yet as it's just raw data but in the future we're hoping to have something to help members of the public use the database.'


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