New Orleans in pictures: Amazing images of The Big Easy


For many visitors, New Orleans can be little more than an excuse for a party.

Like Las Vegas with a soul (and a good deal more history), the biggest city in Louisiana is certainly a place to visit if you fancy a rowdy time. Late-night revellers spill out of the never-knowingly-closed bars on the notorious drag of Bourbon Street, and on its kindred spirits Decatur and Chartres Streets. And if you arrive in the city during the annual Mardi Gras festivities (usually in February), you might wonder if you have happened upon wild celebrations to mark the end of the world – complete with fancy dress and a lot of drink.

Evocative: Photographer Frank Relle captures a side of New Orleans rarely seen by tourists - quiet back streets and suburban avenues

Evocative: Photographer Frank Relle captures a side of New Orleans rarely seen by tourists - quiet back streets and suburban avenues

For other visitors, The Big Easy is about other things – the glorious architecture of the French Quarter, with its 18th century homes – all curved iron balconies and echoes of the colonial era; the rare prettiness of Jackson Square, where the St Louis Cathedral harks back to 1789; the chance to hear jazz in the spiritual home of the genre, perhaps in the hallowed confines of Preservation Hall, or in any of the many other musical speakeasies dotted around the centre; the liquid majesty of the River Mississippi as it shapes the city.

But few of the millions who flock to New Orleans every year look beyond the attractions and well-thumbed sites at its heart.

And few truly peer into the suburbs and outer areas that make up the majority of the metropolis – where dimly lit streets are lined with Southern Oak and Cypress trees, and mansions share the grid with tumbledown shacks.

This is the world caught on camera by Frank Relle (

A kaleidoscope of colour: Relle deals in images taken low to the ground, offering an unusual angle and an amplified sense of atmosphere

A kaleidoscope of colour: Relle deals in images taken low to the ground, offering an unusual angle and an amplified sense of atmosphere

Born and based in New Orleans, he specialises in atmospheric images that depict his home city away from the noisy hubbub of the French Quarter and Café du Monde.

He learned his trade in New York, but found that the best subject was closer to his heart.


'I went to New York to find photography, but lost it in the bright lights and darkrooms,' he says.

'I came home to New Orleans.

'On meditative nightly drives behind the wheel of my grandmother's 1986 Lincoln Town Car, I discovered a new way to see.

Scars of the past: The red markings on the house on the right date back to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - and show that the property was checked for survivors

Scars of the past: The red markings on the house on the right date back to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - and show that the property was checked for survivors

New Orleans
New Orleans

Far from the French Quarter: New Orleans is home to some of the most deprived urban areas in the United States, and some of its homes demonstrate this

'Low to the ground, that wide old windshield provided the best viewfinder I've ever used.'

His photographs look back at New Orleans over the last decade.

'Shot from 2004 to the present, the photographs are lit to capture the mood from that same [low-angle] perspective,' he explains. 'The images leave room for the viewers' interpretations, and for a cast of characters to take position in the foreground.'

New Orleans was, of course, infamously hit by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

The winds brought flooding and disaster to many areas of the city, causing death and despair, with thousands losing their homes.

In some places, New Orleans has still not recovered from the terrible damage it suffered, with abandoned houses being left to rot.

Relle's camera takes in these scars on the cityscape as well as the avenues that sing sweetly of French settlers, Southern belles and mint juleps on woozy afternoons. Left to the elements: In this image, Relle's camera focuses on an abandoned property on Clouet Street, in the Bywater neighbourhood of New Orleans

Left to the elements: In this image, Relle's camera focuses on an abandoned property on Clouet Street, in the Bywater neighbourhood of New Orleans

Romantic: Relle also captures the side of New Orleans that lingers in many imaginations - including, in this case, Chestnut Street, which runs elegantly through Touro

Romantic: Relle also captures the side of New Orleans that lingers in many imaginations - including, in this case, Chestnut Street, which runs elegantly through Touro

Out on the edges: New Orleans is famously framed by water, with the Mississippi curling through its heart, and Lake Pontchartrain sitting directly to the north

Out on the edges: New Orleans is famously framed by water, with the Mississippi curling through its heart, and Lake Pontchartrain sitting directly to the north

Given to the wild: A beautiful snapshot of a home lost to the verdant landscape of Louisiana, on Telemachus Street, west of the centre

Given to the wild: A beautiful snapshot of a home lost to the verdant landscape of Louisiana, on Telemachus Street, west of the centre

Pretty green: A moody moment on Vallette Street, which sits on the far side of the Mississippi in the Algiers Point district, and feels a world away from the French Quarter

Pretty green: A moody moment on Vallette Street, which sits on the far side of the Mississippi in the Algiers Point district, and feels a world away from the French Quarter

New Orleans
New Orleans

Far beyond Mardi Gras: There is more to New Orleans than the parties and bars of Bourbon Street - as these snaps of Tonti and Prieur Streets demonstrate

New Orleans
New Orleans

Stepping into focus: Frank Relle places himself in front of the camera for one brief image - but usually lets his lens take in a city that is rarely less than visually striking


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