Daredevil skywalkers snap death-defying selfies on Dubai's Princess Tower - 1,350 FEET off the ground


A Russian daredevil has captured a vertigo-inducing selfie - while standing on top of a Dubai skyscraper.

Alexander Remnev scaled the Princess Tower - the world's tallest residential building at 1,350ft - before getting his camera out to take these stomach-churning pictures.

High life: Alexander Remnev (l) scaled the Princess Tower - the worlds tallest residential building at 1,350ft

High life: Alexander Remnev (l) scaled the Princess Tower - the worlds tallest residential building at 1,350ft

Don't look down! The snapper takes a photo across Dubai at the top of the Princess Tower

Don't look down! The snapper takes a photo across Dubai at the top of the Princess Tower

Bird's eye view: The stunning Dubai images were taken by skywalkers

Bird's eye view: The stunning Dubai images were taken by skywalkers

Alexander, who was on holiday in Dubai with friends, says they climbed a number of the city's towering skyline during the course of their stay.


He said: 'Dubai has amazed me with its skyscrapers and views from them.

'We love the height of Dubai - it is a city of skyscrapers. We climbed on top of as many as we could.

Death-defying: Alexander holds a camera on a pole on top of Dubai's Princess Tower

Death-defying: Alexander holds a camera on a pole on top of Dubai's Princess Tower

Far out! The vertigo-inducing selfies were snapped on top of the world's highest residential building

Far out! The vertigo-inducing selfies were snapped on top of the world's highest residential building

Incredible images: Alexander was on holiday with friends in Dubai when he climbed the tower

Incredible images: Alexander was on holiday with friends in Dubai when he climbed the tower

'After this trip, buildings in Russia seem very small.'

Fearless Alexander, from Moscow, Russia, claims gaining access to the buildings was straight forward.

He added: 'In Dubai, there are a lot of open roofs. It was not difficult to climb up to them.'

Skywalkers: Images show Dubai from the view of the Princess Tower

Skywalkers: Images show Dubai from the view of the Princess Tower

Don't look down! The brave photographer scaled the Princess Tower to snap these incredible pictures

Don't look down! The brave photographer scaled the Princess Tower to snap these incredible pictures

Hold on tight! The daredevil photographer climbed to the top of the world's tallest residential building

Hold on tight! The daredevil photographer climbed to the top of the world's tallest residential building

The daredevil is part of a growing group of 'skywalkers' - predominantly from Russia and Ukraine - who push themselves to the limit in search of dangerous thrills.

Some have been pictured dangling from overhangs hundreds of feet in the air.

They rarely use safety gear, and share images of themselves online.

Head for heights: The skywalkers scale tall buildings to snap stomach-churning selfies

Head for heights: The skywalkers scale tall buildings to snap stomach-churning selfies

Royal view: A night view of Dubai from the Princess Tower

Royal view: A night view of Dubai from the Princess Tower


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