British foods like Cornish pasties and haggis in danger of extinction because children have never heard of them


Some of Britain's great dishes are under threat of extinction because children have never heard of them, let alone eaten them, according to a new survey.

Regional favourites like Cornish pasties, Cumberland sausages and black pudding are unknown to many youngsters in the UK - with newer staples like curry and stir fries proving more popular.

And some of the seafood 'delicacies' loved by our grandparents are completely misunderstood.

Child pulls face

Sheep's innards? Eurrgh: Nine in ten British children have never heard of that most Scottish dish, the haggis

Researchers have found more than half of British children (58 per cent) have never eaten a Cornish pasty, while three out of four kids have never tried a Devonshire cream tea.


Experts fear for the future of traditional regional food as nine out of 10 youngsters have never tried haggis, while more than a third of British children has not experienced candyfloss.

Tuck in: British children's top 10 'must have' foods while on holiday

1. Fish and chips
2. '99' ice cream
3. Pizza
4. Ice cream sundae
5. Chicken Tikka Masala
6. Doughnuts
7. Chinese stir fry
8. Burger and chips
9. Pancakes
10. Waffles

Source: Travelodge

The 'Flavours of Britain' survey of 1,000 children by hotel chain Travelodge also revealed two-thirds of them have never tasted a stick of rock.

The study revealed that, despite a fifth of children claiming that they like to try new foods while on holiday on British shores, the majority have never tried, or even heard, of some of the nation's classic regional dishes.

One third of young Brits (32 per cent) don't know what the main ingredients of a Cornish pasty are, while seven out of 10 have never tried a Cumberland sausage.

Not only has three-quarters of kids never enjoyed a Devonshire cream tea, nearly half (43 per cent) don't even know what a cream tea is. In fact nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of children think a cream tea is a cup of tea topped off with whipped cream.

Not only have 90 per cent of British children never tried the national dish of Scotland, nearly half (48 per cent) admitted they'd never even heard of haggis.

Cream tea
Cornish Pasty

Going going gone? Children are also unfamiliar with favourites like the Devon cream tea and the Cornish pasty

And eight out of 10 children have never tried black pudding - a popular delicacy in the Black Country and the North West of England, especially the towns of Bury and Ramsbottom.

Nearly nine out of ten children (87 per cent) have never tried cockles, while only one in 50 youngsters (two per cent) have experienced one of David Beckham's favourite snacks, jellied eels.

In fact more than a fifth think the dish is eels made of jelly, according to the survey.

And one in eight children (12 per cent) have never tried fish and chips at the seaside, while one in 10 has not had a '99' ice-cream at the beach.

When British children were asked what foods they would consider as their UK holiday 'must have' international dishes took prime position with pizza, Chinese stir fry and Thai green curry all making the top 10, according to the research.

Food historian Monica Askay said: 'Looking at this research, it is a great pity that so many young Britons are not aware of, or have not had the opportunity to enjoy, our rich and varied regional culinary heritage.

The new wave: Dishes such as chicken tikka masala are more likely to feature on children's food wish lists

The new wave: Dishes such as chicken tikka masala are more likely to feature on children's food wish lists

'Many modern Britons appear reluctant to try the great range of regional dishes this country has to offer yet they are very open to international cuisine.

'In my experience, once people have tried these regional dishes they are pleasantly surprised at how tasty they are.

'Many regional dishes give us insights into the cooking of much earlier times and it would be a great shame to lose this culinary heritage.

'I would strongly encourage parents and their children to seek out and try these dishes for themselves in order to help preserve our food heritage for future generations. If not, we could lose both a great source of enjoyment and a very valuable part of our culinary history.'

Travelodge spokeswoman Shakila Ahmed said: "Food is a big part of Britain's rich heritage.

'However, our research has highlighted that we are at risk of losing some of our famous regional dishes because children have not been given the opportunity or encouraged to try them.

'To save Britain's food legacy, we would urge families to get up and go this summer, and taste their way through Great Britain.'


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